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Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Genesis 4:1-15

The first brothers. I. THE BROTHERS AT HOME . 1. The first home. Of Divine appointment, and among the choicest blessings that have survived the fall, homes are designed for— 2. A pious home . Its locality , though outside the garden, was still in Eden, which was a mercy, and probably not far from the cherubim, Adam's gate of heaven, which was hopeful. When man founds a home it should never be far removed from God, heaven, or the Church. Its structure , mayhap,... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Genesis 4:3

And in process of time . Literally, at the end of the days , i.e. — 1. Of the year (Aben Ezra, Dathe, De Wette, Rosenmüller, Bohlen), at which season the feast of the ingathering was afterwards kept— Exodus 23:16 (Bush). Aristotle, 'Ethics,' 8.2, notes that anciently sacrifices were offered after the gathering of the fruits of the earth (Ainsworth). 2. Of the week (Candlish). 3. Of an indefinite time, years or days (Luther, Kalisch). 4. Of some set time, as the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Genesis 4:4

And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock . Either the firstborn, which God afterwards demanded ( Exodus 13:12 ), or the choicest and best ( Job 18:13 ; Jeremiah 31:19 ; Hebrews 12:23 ). And the fat thereof. Literally, the fatness of them , i.e. the fattest of the firstlings, "the best he had, and the best of those best"; a proof that flesh was eaten before the Flood, since "it had been no praise to Abel to offer the fatlings if he used not to eat of them"... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Genesis 4:5

But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect . Because of the absence of those qualities which distinguished Abel and his offering; not because the heart of Cain was "no more pure," but "imbued with a criminal propensity" (Kalisch), which it was not until his offering was rejected. The visible sign, whatever it was, being awanting in the case of Cain's oblation, its absence left the offerer in no dubiety as to the Divine displeasure with both himself and his offering. In the... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Genesis 4:1-16

- Section IV - The Family of Adam- Cain and Abel1. קין qayı̂n, Qain (Cain), “spear-shaft,” and קנה qānah, “set up, establish, gain, buy,” contain the biliteral root קן qan, “set up, erect, gain.” The relations of root words are not confined to the narrow rules of our common etymology, but really extend to such instinctive usages as the unlettered speaker will invent or employ. A full examination of the Hebrew tongue leads to the conclusion that a biliteral root lies at the base of many of... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Genesis 4:3

Genesis 4:3. In process of time After many years, when they were both grown up to man’s estate; at some set time, Cain and Abel brought to Adam, as the priest of the family, each of them an offering to the Lord; for which we have reason to think there was a divine appointment given to Adam, as a token of God’s favour, notwithstanding their apostacy. read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Genesis 4:4

Genesis 4:4. And the Lord God had respect to Abel and to his offering And showed his acceptance of it, probably by fire from heaven; but to Cain and his offering he had not respect. We are sure there was a good reason for this difference: that the Governor of the world, though an absolute sovereign, doth not act arbitrarily in dispensing his smiles and frowns. 1st, There was a difference in the characters of the persons offering: Cain was a wicked man, but Abel was a righteous man,... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Genesis 4:5-7

Genesis 4:5-7 . Cain was very wroth Full of rage against God and his brother. His countenance fell His looks became sour, dejected, and angry. The Lord said unto Cain to convince him of his sin, and bring him to repentance, Why art thou wroth? What cause has been given thee, either by me or thy brother? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? Either, 1st, If thou hadst done well, as thy brother did, thou shouldest have been accepted as he was. God is no respecter of... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Genesis 4:1-16

Cain and Abel (4:1-16)Adam and Eve’s first two sons, Cain and Abel, maintained a belief in God and presented offerings to him. Abel offered the best of his flock in humble faith and God accepted him. Cain’s attitude was arrogant and his life ungodly, and therefore God rejected him (4:1-5; cf. Hebrews 11:4; 1 John 3:12; 1 John 3:12). Since the attitude and conduct of the offerer were more important than his gifts, God told Cain that if he wanted God to accept him, he would have to overcome the... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Genesis 4:3

in process of time. Hebrew. at [ the ] end of days. The time as well as place and offering probably appointed. ground. The product of the curse. Compare Genesis 3:17 . offering, &c. = a sacrifice unto Jehovah. Most religious, but his own "way" (Jude 1:11 ); but not first-fruits as Abel's. Heb, minchah. See App-48 . LORD = Jehovah. Note, the sacrifices both brought to Jehovah as the covenant God; not to Elohim, the Creator. See App-4 . read more

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