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John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - John 10:11

Verse 11 11.The good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. From the extraordinary affection which he bears towards the sheep, he shows how truly he acts towards them as a shepherd; for he is so anxious about their salvation, that he does not even spare his own life. Hence it follows, that they who reject the guardianship of so kind and amiable a shepherd are exceedingly ungrateful, and deserve a hundred deaths, and are exposed to every kind of harm. The remark of Augustine is exceedingly... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - John 10:12

Verse 12 12.But the hireling. By hirelings we are to understand those who retain the pure doctrine, and who proclaim the truth, as Paul says, to serve a purpose rather than from pure zeal. Though such persons do not serve Christ faithfully, yet we ought to hear them; for Christ wished that the Pharisees should be heard, because they sat in Moses ’seat, (Matthew 23:2;) and, in like manner, we ought to give such honor to the Gospel, as not to shrink from its ministers, though they be not good... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:1-21

5. Christ the Shepherd of the flock of God . The discourse which now follows was the Lord's parabolic or allegoric reply to the conduct of the Pharisaic malignants. These men, claiming to be infallible guides of the ignorant, to be veritable shepherds of the flock of God, had ignored the advent of the true and good Shepherd, had opposed the Divine call and supreme claim of the Messiah, had set themselves to disturb and dislocate the relations between him and those who saw his glory... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:7-10

(2) Allegory of the door and the fold , in which Christ claims to be "the Door of the sheep ." read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:7-10

Allegory of the door. The Jews could not understand the previous allegory. Our Lord utters another, which carries the truth to a higher point. I. CHRIST IS THE WAY OF SALVATION TO THE BELIEVER . "I am the Door of the sheep." 1. He is the Door of access to the Father . ( Ephesians 2:18 .) 2. He is the Door to heaven itself . ( John 14:2 .) 3. The Door is ever open . 4. It may be strait , but those who enter will assuredly be saved . ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:10

The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy. Christ, elaborating, evolving, what is contained in the image of "thief," regards his rival as the thief of souls; he whose pretension to be a way to God is based on no inward and eternal reality, who comes for no other purpose than to make the sheep his own, not to give them pasture; to sacrifice them to his selfish ends, to use them for his own purposes, not to deal with them graciously for theirs; but to destroy, since in... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:10

Life and abundance. Sad indeed is the perversion of Divine gifts, which takes place when those who teach and lead mankind use their influence for moral harm. Yet so it was, our Lord Jesus tells us, with many who came before him with great professions indeed, yet with no help for the spiritually necessitous. Some such had altogether carnal notions of what deliverance , salvation, means. Others were animated by selfishness and ambition. The purpose of many who made great claims was in... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:10

The two missions. Notice— I. THE MISSION OF HUMAN SELFISHNESS . We are taught by Christ that there is such a mission in the world. It is as old as the temptation of our first parents by that evil and selfish spirit, the devil. It was active in the world before and at the time of Christ, and to a greater extent afterwards. Every false teacher, every one that assumes Christ's position, or leads souls from Christ and God either intentionally or unintentionally, is pronounced by... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:10

The fullness of life in Jesus. Jesus is the Shepherd, contrasted first of all with the thief , and then with the hireling. In this verse the contrast is with the thief. The thief comes to steal , taking away the sheep from its proper owner. The thief comes to kill , taking away from the sheep all further use and enjoyment of its own life. The thief comes to destroy , ravaging through the fold in pure malice and wantonness, killing the sheep, not for food, but just through... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:11

I am the good Shepherd . The word here rendered "good" means more than the "true" ( ἀληθής ) or the" veritable" ( ἀληθινός ); more than ἀγαθός , good, in the sense of being morally excellent and inwardly fulfilling God's purpose that the sheep should be shepherded. The word καλός suggests a "goodness" that is conspicuous, that shows and approves itself to the experience and observation of all. Thus the Lord fills up the meaning of the first parable by emphasizing another... read more

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