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John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - John 9:35

Verse 35 35.Jesus heard that they had cast him out. From this circumstance I conjecture that they proceeded to it in a solemn manner, as an affair of great importance, By this example, we are taught how trivial and how little to be dreaded are the excommunications of the enemies of Christ. If we are cast out from that assembly in which Christ reigns, it is a dreadful judgment which is executed against us, that we are delivered to Satan, (1 Corinthians 5:5,) because we are banished from the... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - John 9:36

Verse 36 36.Who is he, Lord, that I may believe in him? From this reply of the blind man it is evident that, though he had not yet attained any clear or certain knowledge of Christ, still he was obedient and ready to receive instruction; for these words mean, “As soon as he is pointed out to me, I am ready to embrace him.” But it ought to be observed that the blind man desires to be instructed by Christ as a Prophet; for he was already convinced that Christ had been sent by God, and therefore... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - John 9:37

Verse 37 37.Thou hast both seen him. By these words of Christ the blind man could not be carried higher than to a very small and cold portion of faith. For Christ does not mention his power, or the reason why he was sent by the Father, or what he has brought to men. But what principally belongs to faith is, to know that, by the sacrifice of his death, atonement has been made for our sins, and we are reconciled to God; that his resurrection was a triumph over vanquished death; that we are... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - John 9:38

Verse 38 38.And he worshipped him. It may be asked, Did the blind man honor or worship Christ as God? (275) The word which the Evangelist employs ( προσέκυνησει) means nothing more than to express respect and homage by bending the knee, or by other signs. For my own part, certainly, I think that it denotes something rare and uncommon; namely, that the blind man gave far more honor to Christ than to an ordinary man, or even to a prophet. And yet I do not think that at that time he had made such... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 9:1-41

The removal of the closing words of John 8:59 from the text as a gloss, favors a pause between the attempt to stone Jesus and the miracle. Lange has the inconsistent remark that the παράγων is "the participle of the preceding though doubtful παρῆγεν ." If it were a gloss, the παρῆγεν had been introduced by some copyist from the παράγων , and therefore the latter can derive no meaning from the former. Admitting the spuriousness of the gloss, the connection between the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 9:1-41

The passage of a soul from darkness into light. This graphic and dramatic narrative begins with the healing of a bodily privation by the exercise el Christ's miraculous power. But its chief interest lies in the spiritual process which it unfolds. It relates how a young man, poor and blind, but intelligent, candid, and brave, received spiritual as well as bodily illumination, and how he displayed insight in apprehending Christ's character, courage in resisting Christ's adversaries, and ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 9:35

Jesus heard that they had east him out ; or, thrust him forth . Jesus is represented as "hearing," not from the man's own lips, but from the current report. He is not said to have become acquainted with the circumstance by intuition, but to have heard by the ordinary processes of knowledge. This simple touch shows how consistent the writer is throughout with the main thesis of his Gospel touching the perfect humanity of the Son of God, that he "was made flesh." and had "come in the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 9:35-38

(a) The vision of those who see not . These verses narrate the sequel so far as the man was concerned. Westcott and others rather exaggerate the bearing of it when they say here was "the beginning of the new society." "The universal society is based on the confession of a new truth" (Westcott). Even in this Gospel the first chapter shows that Jesus gathered disciples about him who from that time onward were to "see angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man." In the second... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 9:35-38

The moral result of the miracle. The bodily cure is to lead to spiritual enlightenment. I. JESUS SEEKS OUT THE OUTCAST BEGGAR FOR BLESSING . "And when he had found him, he said, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?" 1. It is the office of the good Shepherd to seek out the sheep cast away , as if to fulfill the psalmist's words, "When my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord taketh me up." 2. Something more than miracle is needed to impart faith . He... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 9:35-38

A heart made ready for faith. In this interview the purposes of Christ's love with regard to this poor man were fully accomplished. The opening of his bodily eyes, the trials to which he was afterwards subjected , led up to the consummation desired by his Benefactor. By gradual stages he had come to that point, at which only a fuller revelation of the Lord was required, in order that his faith might be perfected. I. A MOMENTOUS QUESTION ROUSES INTEREST AND HOPE .... read more

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