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Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Luke 1:35

The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee - See Matthew 1:20.The power of the Highest ... - This evidently means that the body of Jesus would be created by the direct power of God. It was not by ordinary generation; but, as the Messiah came to redeem sinners - to make atonement for “others,” and not for himself it was necessary that his human nature should be pure, and free from the corruption of the fall. God therefore prepared him a body by direct creation that should be pure and holy. See Hebrews... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Luke 1:34-38

Luke 1:34-38. Then said Mary, How shall this be How can I immediately conceive a child, (for so the angel meant, and so she understood him to mean,) seeing I know not a man? This was not the language of distrust, or of doubt, respecting what the angel said, but of a desire to be further instructed, for the direction of her conduct. She so inquired concerning the manner, as not to doubt of the fact. Some would render the clause, What? shall this be, if I have no intercourse with a man? ... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Luke 1:26-38

3. An angel prepares Mary (Luke 1:26-38)Six months after Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the temple in Jerusalem, the same angel appeared to Mary in the town of Nazareth in Galilee. Mary was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph (Luke 1:26-28). She was startled and puzzled when the angel told her that, though still a virgin, she would give birth to a son, and this son would be the promised Messiah. He would be in a unique sense God’s Son and his kingdom would be eternal (Luke 1:29-34).... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Luke 1:35

shall overshadow. Compare Exodus 33:22 .Mark 9:7 . therefore = wherefore. that holy Thing. See Heb 7:26 . 1 Peter 2:22 , and note on Matthew 27:4 . the Son of God = God's Son. App-98 . read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Luke 1:35

And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: wherefore also the holy thing which is begotten shall be called the Son of God.This record of what the archangel Gabriel said to the virgin mother of our Lord is unimpeachable. With Spence we agree that Luke's narrative here derives from the lips of Mary herself; and, as for the meaning of what was promised in this announcement, the words of Bishop Pearson on the... read more

Thomas Coke

Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible - Luke 1:34-35

Luke 1:34-35. Then said Mary unto the angel, &c.— When Mary heard Gabriel say that she was to conceive the Messiah, being conscious of her virginity, she found the matter above her comprehension, and therefore desired him to explain it. Being young and unexperienced, it was not to be expected that she could have a comprehension of mind and strength of faith equal to that which the old priest Zacharias ought to have possessed. Besides, this was a thing supernatural, and altogether without... read more

Robert Jamieson; A. R. Fausset; David Brown

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Luke 1:35

35. Holy Ghost—(See on :-). power of the highest—the immediate energy of the Godhead conveyed by the Holy Ghost. overshadow—a word suggesting how gentle, while yet efficacious, would be this Power [BENGEL]; and its mysterious secrecy, withdrawn, as if by a cloud, from human scrutiny [CALVIN]. that holy thing born of thee—that holy Offspring of thine. therefore . . . Son of God—That Christ is the Son of God in His divine and eternal nature is clear from all the New Testament; yet here we see... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 1:5-52

II. THE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF JESUS 1:5-2:52This section contains material unique in Luke. The only repeated statement occurs in Luke 2:39 and Matthew 2:23. Other unique features are the way Luke alternated the reader’s attention between John and Jesus, and the joy that several individuals expressed (Luke 1:46-55; Luke 1:68-79; Luke 2:14; Luke 2:29-32). [Note: For studies of the structure of this passage, see Robert C. Tannehill, The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts , 1:15-20; R. E. Brown, The... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 1:26-56

B. The announcement of Jesus’ birth 1:26-56This section parallels the one immediately preceding (Luke 1:5-25). Their forms are so similar that Luke must have arranged them to bring out the similarities between them. Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus as he had John’s birth. Again the fact of a divinely initiated birth announcement shows the unique significance of the individual to be born. In the preceding section the father was the main figure, but in this one the mother is."Luke presents... read more

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