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Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Luke 10:29-32

Luke 10:29-32. But he, willing to justify himself That is, to show he had done this, and was blameless, even with respect to the duties which are least liable to be counterfeited, namely, the social and relative duties, asked him what was the meaning and extent of the word neighbour in the law? It seems, being strongly tinctured with the prejudices of his nation, he reckoned none brethren but Israelites; or neighbours, but proselytes; and expected that Jesus would confirm his opinion,... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Luke 10:25-37

83. Who is my neighbour? (Luke 10:25-37)A Jewish teacher of the law came to Jesus to test him with a question about eternal life. His question showed that he thought of eternal life as something to be obtained by some special act. Jesus’ reply showed that obtaining eternal life is inseparably linked with the way people live their daily lives. If they do not put God before all things and their neighbour before themselves, they can have no assurance of eternal life (Luke 10:25-28).The teacher was... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Luke 10:31

by = according to. Greek kata. App-104 . chance = coincidence. Occurs only here in N.T. there came down = was going down; his duties being over. Jericho was a priestly city, priest . Who might become defiled. passed by on the other side. One word in Greek. antiparerchomai. Occurs only here and Luke 10:32 in N.T. read more

Thomas Coke

Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible - Luke 10:31

Luke 10:31. And by chance— Κατα συγκυριαν . Dr. Gill says, this word may as well be derived from the word συν and Κυριος the Lord, as from συγκυρειν, to happen; and so we may render the words, by divine Providence. The propriety of the circumstance of thepriest and Levite coming that way, will become more evident, if we consider that a very numerous body of priests and Levites dwelt at this time in Jericho. The word 'Αντιπαρηλθεν, which we render in this and the following verse, passed by on... read more

Robert Jamieson; A. R. Fausset; David Brown

Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Luke 10:31

31, 32. came down a . . . priest . . . and a Levite—Jericho, the second city of Judea, was a city of the priests and Levites, and thousands of them lived there. The two here mentioned are supposed, apparently, to be returning from temple duties, but they had not learnt what that meaneth, 'I will have mercy and not sacrifice' [TRENCH]. saw him—It was not inadvertently that he acted. came and looked—a further aggravation. passed by—although the law expressly required the opposite treatment even... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 10:25-37

1. The relation of disciples to their neighbors 10:25-37The question that a lawyer put to Jesus provided the opportunity for this lesson. Jesus answered it but then followed up His answer with a parable that was the climax of His teaching on the subject. The parable amplified the second great commandment (Luke 10:27). The teaching that followed the parable (Luke 10:38 to Luke 11:13), while not addressed to the lawyer, expounded the first great commandment (Luke 10:27). The present section also... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 10:30-37

The parable of the good Samaritan 10:30-37Jesus told this parable to correct the lawyer’s false understanding of who his neighbor was and to clarify his duty to his neighbor. read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 10:31

Jesus described the priest as happening to take the journey that brought him into contact with the unfortunate victim. This fact in no way excused the priest’s failure to show love, but it may suggest that from the priest’s viewpoint his discovery was accidental. Jesus simply recorded the priest’s unloving act without complicating the story with his motivation. For whatever reason, and the reason is unimportant, the priest failed to act in love even though common courtesy demanded that he stop... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 10:1-42

The Seventy. The Good Samaritan. Martha and Mary1-16. Choice and mission of the Seventy (peculiar to Lk). Another step in the organisation of the Church. The Seventy receive a subordinate commission, similar to that of the apostles, to preach and to cast out devils (Luke 10:9, Luke 10:17). Two motives may be discerned in the sending forth of so numerous a body of missionaries. (1) The time before His Passion was now short, and Jesus wished the message of salvation to reach as many Israelites as... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Luke 10:31

(31) By chance. . . .—The passage is the only one in the New Testament in which the phrase occurs. Our Lord seems to use it as with a touch of what we have elsewhere termed irony. It seemed so casual, as such opportunities always do to men who neglect them, and yet it was, in the purpose of God, the test-moment of each man’s character and life.There came down.—Better, as before, there was going down.A certain priest.—Jericho was at this time a priestly city, and so the journey of the priest... read more

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