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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 22:16

Until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God - That is, until that of which the passover is a type is fulfilled in my death, through which the kingdom of God, or of heaven, (See Matthew 3:2 ;), shall be established among men. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 22:17

He took the cup - This was not the sacramental cup, for that was taken after supper, Luke 22:20 , but was the cup which was ordinarily taken before supper. Divide it among yourselves - Pass the cup from one to another; thus the cup which Christ gave to the first person on his right hand continued to be handed from one to another, till it came to the last person on his left. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 22:18

I will not drink of the fruit of the vine - That is, before the time of another passover, the Holy Ghost shall descend, the Gospel of the kingdom be established, and the sacramental supper shall take place of the paschal lamb; for in a few hours his crucifixion was to take place. See on Matthew 26:29 ; (note). read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 22:19

Took bread - See the nature and design of the Lord's Supper explained in the notes on Matthew 26:26-29 ; (note). This do in remembrance of me - That the Jews, in eating the passover, did it to represent the sufferings of the Messiah, as evident from the tract Pesachim, fol. 119, quoted by Schoettgen. Why do we call this the great hallel? (i.e. the hymn composed of several psalms, which they sung after the paschal supper). Ans. Because in it these five things are contained: The... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 22:17

Verse 17 As Luke mentions that the cup was twice presented by Christ, we must inquire, in the first place, if it be a repetition, (as the Evangelists are wont frequently to say the same thing twice,) or if Christ, after having tasted the cup, repeated the same thing a second time. This latter conjecture appears to me to be probable; for we know that the holy fathers, during sacrifices, observed the solemn rite of tasting the cup; (188) and hence those words of the Psalmist, I will take the cup... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 22:19

Verse 19 Luke 22:19.Which is given for you. The other two Evangelists leave out this clause, which, however, is far from being superfluous; for the reason why the flesh of Christ becomes bread to us is, that by it salvation was once procured for us. And as the crucified flesh itself is of no advantage but to those who eat it by faith, so, on the other hand, the eating of it would be unmeaning, and of hardly any value, were it not in reference to the sacrifice which was once offered. Whoever... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Luke 22:1-23

The last Passover of our Lord. After the significant survey of Jerusalem's fate which is given in the previous chapter, Jesus seems to have remained quietly at Bethany, or in the Mount of Olives, until the time for the Passover. The season of solitude was brief, but all the more important in consequence. Every moment was utilized by our Lord that he might be ready for his great ordeal. But if he was making preparations, so were his enemies. Accordingly, we have an account here of the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Luke 22:1-30

Wednesday and Thursday of Passion Week. Look at that picture—the Son of God awaiting the hour; spending the last day before the arrest and the trial in the deep seclusion of the Bethany home. Over that day the veil of an impenetrable secrecy hangs. One thing only is certain—it was a time in which the shrinking spirit, whilst feeling even unto death the shadow of the exceeding heaviness, nevertheless drank of the brook by the way, the comforting "I am not alone, for the Father is with... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Luke 22:14

And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him . The preparation had been made in the "large upper room," and the Lord and the twelve sat down, or rather reclined on the couches covered with carpets, the tables before them laid with the dishes peculiar to the solemn Passover Supper, each dish telling its part of the old loved story of the great deliverance. There was the lamb the Paschal victim, and the bitter herbs, the unleavened bread and the reddish sweet... read more

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