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Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Luke 8:4-15

See the parable of the sower explained in the notes at Matthew 13:1-23. read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Luke 8:4-15

Luke 8:4-15. And when much people were gathered together To be instructed by his discourse, as well as to see, or be healed by, his miracles; and were come to him In crowds; out of every city In that part of the country; he spake by a parable Having first, for greater conveniency of being better heard and less incommoded by them, entered into a ship, where he sat, and from thence taught them. A sower went out to sow, &c. See this parable explained at large in the notes on... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Luke 8:1-18

PARABLES54. The sower (Matthew 13:1-23; Mark 4:1-29; Luke 8:1-18)To visit all the towns of Galilee was a huge task. Jesus and his disciples were helped in this work by a group of women who went with them to look after their daily needs (Luke 8:1-3). Crowds of people came to see Jesus wherever he went, and were often a hindrance to the progress of the gospel. It seems that one reason Jesus began to teach extensively in parables was to separate those who were genuinely interested from those who... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Luke 8:13

with = in association with. Greek. meta. App-104 . Not the same word as in verses: Luke 8:1 , Luke 8:14 , Luke 8:38; Luke 8:38 . no . Greek. ou. App-105 . for . Greek. pros. App-104 . while = season. temptation = trial. In the second utterance of this parable (see note on Luke 8:5 ), the Lord used the words "tribulation or persecution". read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Luke 8:14

among. Greek. eis. App-104 . go forth = as they go on their way. choked = stifled. Greek. sumpnigo, as in Luke 8:42 . Not the same word as in verses: Luke 8:8 , Luke 8:33 . with = by. Greek. hupo. App-104 . this life. Greek. bios = the life that is lived. Not zoe , or psuche. See App-170 . read more

Thomas Coke

Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible - Luke 8:14

Luke 8:14. Are choked with cares— St. Luke expresses it thus, perhaps, to intimate the uneasy situation of the mind, while clogged and straitened with such incumbrances as these, and rendered utterly unfit to breathe and delight itself in celestial and eternal objects. Choking arises from something which straitens the gullet or wind-pipe, and so obstructs the passage of food or air; and thus young plants or corn may properly be said to be choked with thorns, which do not leave them room to... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 8:1-21

E. Jesus’ teaching in parables 8:1-21The present section of Luke follows the same basic pattern as the former one. There is a block of teaching (Luke 8:1-21; cf. Luke 6:12-49) followed by another account of Jesus’ mighty works (Luke 8:22-56; cf. ch. 7). read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 8:4-15

2. The parable of the soils 8:4-15Luke’s account of Jesus’ parables by the sea is the shortest of the three, and Matthew’s is the longest. Luke limited himself to recording only two parables, namely, the parable of the soils and the parable of the lamp. He thereby stressed the importance of hearing, obeying, and proclaiming the Word of God."Unlike Mark 4 and Matthew 13, where entire chapters are devoted to kingdom teaching via parables, Luke concentrates on the one theme of faith both here and... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 8:11-15

The meaning of the parable 8:11-15 (Matthew 13:18-23; Mark 4:13-20)Jesus now gave His disciples information that enabled them to understand the deeper teaching of the parable. The proclaimed Word of God does not in itself yield a uniform response of faith. Human response to it is all-important. read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 8:13-14

In both of these cases there was some initial faith in Jesus and later a turning away from Him in unbelief. Notice that Jesus did not mention if they were saved or lost. That was not His point. The point is how they responded to the word of God. Some of them may have been saved and others lost. Jesus did not say they lost their salvation. That is impossible (cf. Romans 8:31-39). He said they turned away in unbelief.In Jesus’ day some of His hearers believed on Him (John 8:31) yet were still... read more

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