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Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:2-15

Christ's charge to his apostles. After a night spent in prayer, Jesus called his twelve disciples and constituted them into an apostolic college. With his commission he gave them his charge. Notice— I. THE PERSONS COMMISSIONED AND CHARGED . 1 . They were twelve in number. 2 . Their names are given in order. II. THE CHARGE . 1 . As to the apostles preaching. (a) Not to the Gentiles. (b) Not to the Samaritans. (c) They were to limit their... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:5

Parallel passages: Mark 6:7 , Mark 6:8 ; Luke 9:2 . These twelve Jesus sent forth ; ἀπέστειλεν (cf. John 17:18 ). Till now they had formed an inner circle of μαθηταί ( Matthew 9:35 , note), but now they begin their work of carrying Christ's message to others. " ἀποστέλλω corresponds with the idea of our own words 'despatch' and ' envoy,' and conveys the accessory notions of a special commission, and so far of a delegated authority in the person sent" (Bishop... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:5

CHRIST 'S COMMISSION TO HIS AGENTS . The connexion and development of thought in this important charge is exceedingly difficult to perceive, and has been understood in many ways. Perhaps that most generally accepted in this country is Alford's, according to which the charge is divided into three sections—the first ( Matthew 10:5-15 ) referring to the mission to the cities of Israel; the second ( Matthew 10:16-23 ) to the general mission of the apostles as developing itself, after... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:5

Matthew only. The sphere of their work. The reasons for the limitation here expressly enforced are: read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:5

Limited commissions. "Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not." We may find reason for this limitation of the sphere of the apostles in the fact that this was strictly a trial-mission , in which they were to learn how to fulfil the larger mission which would be entrusted to them by-and-by. When the war-ship is nearly ready for sea, it is required to make a trial-trip; but then its course is strictly defined and limited. But there is... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:5-15

The external conditions of conveying Christ ' s message , with special reference to the immediate occasion. Our Lord points out (a) the sphere of their work ( Matthew 10:5 , Matthew 10:6 ); (b) the substance of their message ( Matthew 10:7 ); (c) its accompanying signs ( Matthew 10:8 ); (d) the external means and methods that they should employ ( Matthew 10:9-15 ). read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:5-15

The Lord's charge to his apostles. I. DIRECTIONS FOR THEIR IMMEDIATE MISSION . 1 . It leas to be confined to the house of Israel. This was a temporary limitation; it was wholly removed at the ascension. The Lord himself entered into the city of the Samaritans; lie healed the daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman. But for the present the apostles were to preach only to the Jews; it was necessary that the gospel should be first offered unto them; they were the covenant... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:6

But go . On your daily journeying ( πορέεσθε , present). Rather . With conscious preference. To the lost sheep of the house of Israel . Thus also he describes his own mission ( Matthew 15:24 ). The words recall Jeremiah 50:6 ( Jeremiah 27:6 , LXX .), "My people hath been lost sheep." Observe that our Lord implies a special relation of Israel to God (for the house has its owner) which was lacking in the case of all other nations. Yet, their proper teachers having proved... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 10:6

The lost sheep of the house of Israel When our Lord first sent forth his apostles, he directed them to confine their ministry to their fellow-countrymen. Their very number, twelve, would suggest a relation to their people, as though one were chosen for each tribe. Let us consider the significance of this arrangement. I. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES WERE GIVEN TO THE JEWS . This is not a delusion of their own national pride; it does not depend on their claim to a leading place; it is... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Matthew 10:5

Into the way of the Gentiles - That is, among the Gentiles, or nowhere but among the Jews. The full time for preaching the gospel to the Gentiles was not come. It was proper that it should be first preached to the Jews, the ancient covenant people of God, and the people among whom the Messiah was born. Afterward he gave them a charge to go into all the world, Matthew 28:19.And into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not - The Samaritans occupied the country formerly belonging to the tribe of... read more

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