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Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Matthew 27:19-20

Matthew 27:19-20. When he was set down, &c. While Pilate was labouring to effect his purpose, he was confirmed in his unwillingness to condemn Jesus, by a message sent from his wife by way of caution; which message was probably delivered to him publicly, in the hearing of all present, for it was intended to be a warning, not to him only, but to the prosecutors: saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man Gr. τω δικαιω , that righteous man; an honourable testimony this, not... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:15-31

156. Jesus before the people (Matthew 27:15-31; Mark 15:6-20; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:39-19:16)Although assured that Jesus was innocent, Pilate felt it wise to give the Jews some satisfaction; for by this time a crowd had gathered and he did not want a riot to break out. He therefore offered to punish Jesus by flogging, and consider the matter finished (Luke 23:13-16).But the people yelled for Jesus to be crucified. Pilate did not want the situation to get out of control, so made another offer.... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Matthew 27:19

on = upon. Greek. epi. App-104 . Not the same as in Matthew 25:30 . unto. Greek. pros. App-104 . Not the same word as in verses: Matthew 27:27 , Matthew 27:33 ; but same as in Matthew 27:62 . I have suffered = I suffered. a dream. Greek. onar. See note on Matthew 1:20 . because of. Greek. dia. read more

Thomas Coke

Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible - Matthew 27:19

Matthew 27:19. When he was set down, &c.— Or, While he was sitting on, &c. While Rome was governed by a commonwealth, it was unusual for the governors of provinces to take their wives with them; but afterwards it grew customary, and the motion made against it in the fourth year of Tiberius was rejected with some indignation. This circumstance ascertains the time of the event, and affords a strong proof of the veracity of the sacred historian. Possibly the word σημερον, rendered this... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Matthew 27:11-26

The trial before Pilate 27:11-26 (cf. Mark 15:2-15; Luke 23:3-25; Joh_18:33 to Joh_19:16)Pilate was a cruel ruler who made little attempt to understand the Jews whom he hated. [Note: Hoehner, Herod Antipas, pp. 172-83.] He had treated them unfairly and brutally on many occasions, but recently Caesar had rebuked him severely. [Note: Idem, Chronological Aspects . . ., pp. 105-14.] This probably accounts for the fairly docile attitude he displayed toward the Sanhedrin in the Gospel accounts. He... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Matthew 27:19

Pilate’s wife interrupted him as he sat on the judgment seat about to render a verdict in Jesus’ case. Matthew probably recorded this incident because it is another indication of Jesus’ innocence. Many of the Romans considered dreams a means of divine guidance (cf. Matthew 1:20). [Note: France, The Gospel . . ., p. 1055.] In this case God did guide her to testify to Jesus’ righteousness."Tradition has given her the name Procula; an Apocryphal Gospel describes her as a convert to Judaism [i.e.,... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 27:1-66

Before Pilate. The Crucifixion1, 2. Jesus delivered to Pilate (Mark 15:1; Luke 23:1; John 18:28: see on Jn).1. When the morning] Since according to St. Luke, who follows an excellent and independent authority, the trial itself did not take place ’until it was day’ (Luke 22:66), this second meeting must be placed some time later in the morning, considerably after cock-crowing (Matthew 26:74). The object of the meeting, which was evidently largely attended, was simply to consider how to induce... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Matthew 27:19

(19) The judgment seat.—The chair of judgment was placed upon a Mosaic pavement, and was indispensable to the official action of any provincial ruler. (Comp. Note on John 19:13.)His wife sent unto him.—Under the old regime of the Republic provincial governors were not allowed to take their wives with them; but the rule had been relaxed under the Empire, and Tacitus records (Ann. iii. 33, 34) a vain attempt to revive its strictness. Nothing more is known of the woman thus mentioned; but the... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Matthew 27:1-66

Pilate Matthew 27:2 The councils and kings, the orators and lawgivers of Rome, tower out in the backward look of history, when men nearer us in time are lost in the haze. But there is one Roman who shall outlive them all. He held only a petty post in an obscure corner of the Empire, but he sat as judge on Him who shall one day judge the world, and he delivered unto death the Prince of Life. The name of Pontius Pilate, the governor, shall be remembered when every other Roman name may be... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:1-56

Chapter 19The Great Atonement Day - Matthew 26:1-75 - Matthew 27:1-56WE enter now on the story of the last day of the mortal life of our Lord and Saviour. We have already noticed the large proportionate space given to the Passion Week; but still more remarkable is the concentration of interest on the Passion Day. The record of that single day is very nearly one-ninth of the whole book; and a similar proportion is observed by all the four Evangelists. This proportion of space is very striking... read more

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