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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:18

A certain ruler - There were two officers in the synagogue, הכנסת חזן chazan ha - ceneseth , the bishop or overseer of the congregation; and הכנסת ראש rosh ha - ceneseth , the head or ruler of the congregation. The chazan takes the book of the Law, and gives it to the rosh , or ruler; and he appoints who shall read the different sections, etc. Jairus, who is the person intended here, was, in this latter sense, the ruler or governor of one of the synagogues, probably at... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:19

Jesus arose, and followed him - Our blessed Lord could have acted as well at a distance as present; but he goes to the place, to teach his ministers not to spare either their steps or their pains when the salvation of a soul is in question. Let them not think it sufficient to pray for the sick in their closets; but let them go to their bed-sides, that they may instruct and comfort them. He can have little unction in private, who does not also give himself up to public duties. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:20

A woman which was diseased with an issue of blood - Γυνη αἱμοῤῥουσα . Mulier sanguinis profluvio laborans. Significatur hoc loco, fluxus muliebris, in Sanis, menstruus; in Hac perpetuus . It would be easy to explain the nature and properties of the disease here mentioned; but, when it is said that prudence forbids it, the intimation itself may be thought sufficiently explanatory of the disorder in question. There are some remarkable circumstances relative to this case mentioned by St.... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:21

She said within herself, If I may but touch his garment - Her disorder was of that delicate nature that modesty forbade her to make any public acknowledgment of it; and therefore she endeavored to transact the whole business in private. Besides, the touch of such a person was by the law reputed unclean. By faith in Christ Jesus, little things are often rendered efficacious to our salvation. What more simple than a morsel of bread, and a few drops of wine, in the Lord's Supper! And yet, they... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:22

Daughter, be of good comfort - Θαρσει θυγατερ , Take courage, daughter. See on Matthew 9:2 ; (note). The reason of this kind speech was - Jesus, finding that virtue had proceeded from him; made inquiry who had touched him. The woman, finding that she could not be hid, came fearing and trembling, ( Mark 5:33 ;), and confessed the truth: to dispel these fears and to comfort her mind, Jesus said, Daughter, take courage. Thy faith hath made thee whole - Η πιστις σου σεσωκε σε , This... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:23

Saw the minstrels and the people making a noise - Αυλητας , pipers; Anglo-Saxon the whistlers; Gothic, haurngans haurngandans , the horn-blowers blowing with their horns. Nearly the same as the pipublasara , pipe-blowers of the Islandic: for among all those nations funeral lamentations accompanied with such rude instruments, were made at the death of relatives. That pipes were in use among the Jews, in times of calamity or death, is evident from Jeremiah 48:36 . And among the Greeks,... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:24

The maid is not dead, but sleepeth - That is, she is not dead so as to continue under the power of death; but shall be raised from it as a, person is from natural sleep. They laughed him to scorn - Κατεγελων αυτον , they ridiculed him; from κατα , intensive, and γελαω , I laugh: - they grinned a ghastly smile, expressive of the contempt they felt for his person and knowledge. People of the world generally ridicule those truths which they neither comprehend nor love, and deride... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:25

He - took her by the hand, and the maid arose - The fountain of life thus communicating its vital energy to the dead body. Where death has already taken place, no power but that of the great God can restore to life; in such a case, vain is the help of man. So the soul that is dead in trespasses and sins - that is, sentenced to death because of transgression - and is thus dead in law, can only be restored to spiritual life by the mighty power of the Lord Jesus; because He alone has made the... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:18

Verse 18 Matthew 9:18.While he was speaking these things to them. Those who imagine that the narrative, which is here given by Mark and Luke, is different from that of Matthew, are so clearly refuted by the passage itself, that there is no necessity for a lengthened debate. All the three agree in saying that Christ was requested by a ruler of the synagogue to enter his house for the purpose of curing his daughter The only difference is, that the name of Jairus, which is withheld by Matthew, is... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 9:20

Verse 20 20.And, lo, a woman who had been afflicted with a bloody flux. For twelve successive years the bloody flux had lasted, and the woman was so far from being negligent in seeking remedies, that she had spent all her substance on physicians All this is expressly stated by the Evangelists, that the miracle may shine with brighter glory. When an incurable disease was removed so suddenly, and by the mere touch of a garment, it is perfectly obvious that it was not accomplished by human power.... read more

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