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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Revelation 19:12

His eyes were as a flame of fire - To denote the piercing and all-penetrating nature of his wisdom. On his head were many crowns - To denote the multitude of his conquests, and the extent of his dominion. A name written, that no man knew - This is a reference to what the rabbins call the shem hammephorash , or tetragrammaton, יהוה Yhvh ; or what we call Jehovah. This name the Jews never attempt to pronounce: when they meet with it in the Bible, they read אדני Adonai for it;... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Revelation 19:13

He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood - To show that he was just come from recent slaughter. The description is taken from Isaiah 63:2 , Isaiah 63:3 , where Judas Maccabeus, or some other conqueror, is described. The Word of God - Written in the Targum, and in other Jewish writings, דיי מימרא meimera daiya , "the word of Jehovah;" by which they always mean a person, and not a word spoken. See the notes on John 1:1 , etc. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Revelation 19:14

The armies which were in heaven - Angels and saints over whom Jesus Christ is Captain, Clothed in fine linen - All holy, pure, and righteous. read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:1-21

The Eternal in the universe, and his Representative to man. "And after these things I heard a great voice of much people," etc. "Babylon" in this book I take as the symbol of moral evil on this earth, or, in other words, of all that is corrupt in human life. From its establishment on this globe, it has been "falling." It is "failing" now, and will continue to fall until its mighty mountain shall become a plain, and there will be found "no place" for it. In the preceding chapter the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:11

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse. A new vision now opens, which is, however, part of the preceding series, commencing at Revelation 13:1 . The destruction of certain forms of evil—typified by Babylon and the harlot—has been declared; the final overthrow of the dragon has vet to be related, though there may be no such separation in the actual infliction of these punishments as there necessarily is in the relation of them. The warfare now to be described must be understood... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:11-21

"King of kings, and Lord of lords." In this paragraph we have a marvellously vivid sketch of a mighty conflict, in which the most high God, in the Person of his Son, goes forth to war and victory. Strange as it may seem to speak of God being engaged in a struggle, it is clear that what we call "good" is in the world with its legion forces, and that what is evil is also here. Both are at work. They are necessarily opposed. God must be on the side of good. Hence the war. Probably we have... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:11-21

The four names of Christ. There were three great enemies of Christ and his Church, each of which have been told of in the previous chapters of this book—the dragon, the first beast, and the second beast, or the false prophet. In the immediately foregoing chapters we have had told the destruction that came upon them that worshipped the beast. Generally upon them all by the outpouring of the seven vials; and then, more particularly, upon the city Babylon, which was the seat and centre of the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:11-21

The holy war. There now opens to our view another scene of warfare. It is brief, comprehensive, and decisive. It is a view of the heavenlies. The conflict is between the heavenly and the earthly powers. It is a "representation of the conquest of the kingdoms to Christ, which, like all his conquests, is accomplished by the power of the truth, wielded by a faithful Church, and rendered efficacious by the power of his Spirit." I. THE COMBATANTS ARE DISTINCTLY BROUGHT TO VIEW ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:12

His eyes were as a flame of fire; and his eyes [are] a flame of fire. Again as in Revelation 1:13 . "Fire" is the type of purity and judgment (see Psalms 97:3 ; Isaiah 47:14 ; Isaiah 66:15 ; Amos 5:6 ; 1 Corinthians 3:13 , etc.; Revelation 3:18 ). And on his head were many crowns; and upon his head [are] many diadems. διαδήματα , " kingly crowns " (cf. Revelation 12:3 ; Revelation 13:1 ), because he now comes as a King to judgment. The plurality of "crowns"... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Revelation 19:12

The coronation of the Saviour. "On his head were many crowns." We know whose head is meant. It was "the head that once was crowned with thorns;" the head that was once pillowed on a human mother's breast; the head that "had not where," during the days of his earthly ministry, "to lay" itself down to rest; the head that once and again was a fountain of tears because of man's sorrow and man's sin; the head that was beaten and spit upon by his enemies; the head that was bound about by the... read more

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