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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:2

In the first chariot were red horses - The empire of the Chaldeans, which overthrew the empire of the Assyrians. The second chariot black horses - The empire of the Persians founded by Cyrus, which destroyed the empire of the Chaldeans. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:3

The third chariot white horses - The empire of the Greeks, founded by Alexander the Great, which destroyed the empire of the Persians. The fourth chariot grisled and bay horses - That is party-coloured horses, or with horses, some grisled and some bay. The empire of the Romans or of the Greeks. The Greeks divided after the death of Alexander; one part pointing out the Lagidae, who attacked and subdued Egypt; and the other, the seleucidae, who subdued Syria under Seleucus. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:5

The four spirits of the heavens - Ministers of God's wrath against the sinful nations of the world. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:6

The black horses - This refers to the second chariot; of the first the angel makes no mention, because the empire designed by it had ceased to exist. This had red horses, to show the cruelty of the Chaldeans towards the Jews, and the carnage they committed in the land of Judea. The black - Cyrus, at the head of the Persians and Medes, bringing devastation and death among the Chaldeans, called the north in many parts of Scripture. The white - Alexander, who was splendid in his... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:7

And the bay went forth - The Seleucidae, who conquered Syria and the upper provinces, and who wished to extend their conquests, and "sought to go, that they might walk to and fro throughout the earth," were of unbounded ambition, and sought universal empire; such as Antiochus the Great. "So they walked to and fro," did extend their conquests; and harassed many countries by their vexatious and almost continual wars. Some think the Romans are meant, who carried their conquests hither and... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:8

Have quieted my spirit in the north country - They have fulfilled my judgments on Assyria and Chaldea. Nabopolassar and Cyrus first, against the Assyrians and Chaldeans; and Alexander next, against the Persians. On this vision Abp. Newcome remarks: - The black horses seem to denote the Persian empire; which, by subduing the Chaldeans, and being about to inflict a second heavy chastisement on Babylon, quieted God's spirit with respect to Chaldea; a country always spoken of as lying to the... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:1

Verse 1 Here we have another vision; and the Prophet distinguishes it from the former visions by saying, that he turned, as though he had said, that there had been some intervening time. They were not then continued visions, but he turned himself elsewhere, and then he raised up his eyes, and the Lord revealed to him what he now relates. But as the vision is obscure, interpreters have given it different meanings. They who think that the four Gospels are designated by the four chariots, give a... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:2

Verse 2 With regard to the chariots, we have seen elsewhere that angels are compared to horsemen; for these ride swiftly as it were through the whole world to execute what God commands them: so also whatever changes take place, they are called the chariots of God; for either angels are ready at hand to do anything in obedience to God, or the very events themselves are God’s chariots, that is, they are as it were swift heralds, who announce to us what was before unknown. Let us then know that... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:3

Verse 3 As to the last chariot, the Prophet says, that it went forth toward the south, and then it went elsewhere, and even through the whole world, for God had so permitted. Now as to the meaning of this Prophecy nothing will remain obscure, if we hold these elements of truth — that all events are designated by the chariots, or all the revolutions which take place in the world — and that the blind power of fortune does not rule, as fools imagine, but that God thus openly makes known to us his... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 6:4

Verse 4 The Prophet asks the angel again; and by his example we are taught to shake off every indifference, and to render ourselves both teachable and attentive to God if we desire to make progress in the knowledge of these predictions; for if Zechariah, who had separated himself from the world and raised up his eyes and his mind to heaven, stood in need of the teaching and guidance of the angel to instruct him, how much folly and arrogance is it in us to trust in ourselves and to despise the... read more

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