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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:9

By the mouth of the prophets - The day or time of the foundation was about two years before, as this discourse of the prophet was in the fourth year of Darius. After this God raised up prophets among them. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:10

For before these days there was no hire for man - Previously to this, ye had no prosperity; ye had nothing but civil divisions and domestic broils. I abandoned you to your own spirits, and to your own ways. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:12

For the seed shall be prosperous - Ye shall be a holy and peaceable people; and God will pour down his blessing on yourselves, your fields, and your vineyards. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:13

As ye were a curse - Instead of being execrated among the people, ye shall be blessed; instead of being reproached, ye shall be commended. Ye shall be a blessing to all the nations round about. All these promises we may expect to be completely fulfilled when the Jews acknowledge their Messiah. O house of Judah, and house of Israel - The restoration shall be complete, when both Israel and Judah are brought back. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:16

Speak ye every man the truth - See Zechariah 7:9 , Zechariah 7:10 . read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:9

Verse 9 The Prophet having taught us that God was reconciled to his people, does now seasonably exhort the Jews to prepare themselves for work and strenuously to exert themselves in erecting the temple, and also in building the city: for as we have stated, many were then become slothful, as they thought that they were soon to be destroyed by their enemies, and that what they built with great labor, toil, and expense, would be presently demolished. Hence it was that sloth had crept in, so that... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:10

Verse 10 It follows, For before these days there was no hire for man, and no hire for beast, no peace to passengers, because I had sent forth all men, each one against his friend. The Prophet mentions here, as I have already said, evidences of God’s curse, by which the Jews might have learnt that he was displeased with their neglect in disregarding the building of the temple, for while omitting that they paid attention to their domestic affairs. He therefore reminds them of what might have made... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:11

Verse 11 He afterwards adds, But now, not according to former days, shall I be to the remnant of this people, saith Jehovah of hosts. Zechariah now reminds them that things had changed for the better, as it was evident that God was propitious to them. And if the cause of this change be asked, the answer is, the building of the temple. If nothing had been said by the Prophets, the Jews might have only conjectured, but every doubt had been removed; for God had threatened then with punishment... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:12

Verse 12 Here Zechariah promises the continuance of God’s favor, which the Jews had now begun to taste. God then had in part openly showed that he was a Father to the Jews, by dealing liberally with them: but in order more fully to strengthen them in their perseverance, Zechariah says that this favor would be continued. And he says first, that there would be the seed of peace. Some think that it is called the seed of peace because the cultivation of the fields, while the assaults of enemies... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Zechariah 8:13

Verse 13 He goes on with the same subject, and in this verse he states two contrary things, in order to render more clear what he teaches here — that while God was angry the earth was barren, and all things went on unhappily with the Jews; but that when God had begun to be reconciled, the earth had as it were changed its nature, and brought forth plentifully, and that they were in every way made blessed. Hence he says, As ye have been a curse, etc. Here again he mentions and reminds them how... read more

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