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Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - 1 John 5:13

[4.The Conclusion (1 John 5:13-21).(1)FRESH STATEMENT OF THE PURPOSE OF WRITING, equivalent to that at the beginning of the Epistle, but differing from it (1 John 5:13).(2)WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT COME UP TO THE STANDARD ASSUMED THROUGHOUT THE EPISTLE (1 John 5:14-17).(3)SOME PRACTICAL POINTS RECAPITULATED (1 John 5:18-20).(a)God’s sons do not sin (1 John 5:18);(b)Personal assurance that we are God’s sons (1 John 5:19);(c)Personal assurance that Christ is come, of the gift of the... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - 1 John 5:13-17

(2) WHAT CAN BE DONE FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT COME UP TO THE STANDARD ASSUMED (1 John 5:14-17).(14) And this is the confidence.—The assurance intended in 1 John 5:13 implies confidence, and confidence means the conviction that God is not deaf to our prayers. But these must not be contrary to His will. The Lord’s Prayer reminds us that the Person referred to here is the Father.(15) That we have the petitions.—The goodness of God as Light and Love is so fully established that if our petitions are... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - 1 John 5:1-21

God's Commandments 1 John 5:3 We shall do well to remind ourselves at the beginning of life that we are already in a wonderful world, that the pathway of our lives will lead us through the intricacies of a Divine system, which is intended progressively to reveal itself to us, and to bring us nearer to our intended perfection and to God. Let me try to point out two or three of the chief groups of forces which form part of this Divine system. I. The Fellowship of Love. First, then, as touching... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - 1 John 5:1-13

V. HEREBY WE KNOW CHAPTERS 3:19-5:13 1. Hereby we know that we are of the truth (1 John 3:19-24 ) 2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God (1 John 4:1-4 ) 3. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth and of error (1 John 4:5-6 ) 4. The Love manifested toward us (1 John 4:7-19 ) 5. The final tests as to the possession of eternal life (1 John 4:20-21 ; 1 John 5:1-13 ) 1 John 3:19-24 . If the love of God dwells in the heart of the child of God it must be manifested in a practical way. Love must be... read more

John Calvin

Geneva Study Bible - 1 John 5:13

5:13 {13} These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.(13) The conclusion of the epistle, in which he shows first of all, that even they who already believe, need this doctrine, that they may grow more and more in faith: that is to say, that they may be daily more and more certain of their salvation in Christ, through faith. read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - 1 John 5:1-21

“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and everyone that loveth Him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of Him.” The faith that Jesus is the Christ is here seen to correspond with the confession of Him as the Son of God (cf. ch.4:15). The two must go together, as Peter well knew when he so unhesitatingly answered the Lord, “We believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God” (John 6:69). As Christ He is God’s anointed Prophet, Priest and... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - 1 John 5:1-21

GOD IS LOVE What is the third characteristic of God which John reveals (1 John 4:7-8 )? If, then, God is love, How is fellowship to be maintained with Him (same verses)? In the working out of the thought that fellowship with God is maintained by experiencing and exercising love, notice: 1. how His love was particularly manifested toward us (1 John 4:9-10 ); 2. how our love toward Him should be manifested (1 John 4:11-12 ); 3. how such love implies fellowship (1 John 4:13-16 ); 4. how it... read more

Robert Hawker

Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary - 1 John 5:8-13

And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. (9) If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son. (10) He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. (11) And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - 1 John 5:13-17

13-17 Upon all this evidence, it is but right that we believe on the name of the Son of God. Believers have eternal life in the covenant of the gospel. Then let us thankfully receive the record of Scripture. Always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labour is not in vain in the Lord. The Lord Christ invites us to come to him in all circumstances, with our supplications and requests, notwithstanding the sin that besets us. Our prayers must always be offered in submission to the... read more

Frank Binford Hole

F. B. Hole's Old and New Testament Commentary - 1 John 5:1-99

1John 5 WHEN WE CONTEMPLATE the responsibilities which are ours in connection with our brethren, we are always apt, if the flesh prevails with us, to fall back upon Cain’s question, asking, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Not exactly his keeper perhaps, but we certainly are to be his helper in the spirit of love. We are also apt to fall back upon a question similar to the one asked by the lawyer in Luke 10.0 . Wishing to justify himself, he asked, “And who is my neighbour?” We may ask, “And who is... read more

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