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Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Acts 16:11-40

Ministry in Philippi 16:11-40Luke devoted more space to Paul’s evangelizing in Philippi than he did to the apostle’s activities in any other city on the second and third journeys, even though Paul was there only briefly. It was the first European city in which Paul preached the gospel. [Note: The ancients did not view the Dardanelles as separating Europe and Asia, as we do today. Luke’s original readers would have viewed Paul’s crossing the Hellespont as simply moving from one region to another... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Acts 16:16

Luke probably recorded the conversion of three very different individuals in Philippi to illustrate the appeal and power of the gospel. The demon-possessed "slave-girl" (cf. Rhoda, Acts 12:13) who met the missionaries on their way to the prayer meeting (Acts 16:13) was a tool of her masters who used her to make money through fortunetelling. The demon (Gr. pneuma pythona) within her knew of Paul and announced through her who he was and what he was doing (cf. Mark 1:24; Mark 3:11; Mark 5:7; Luke... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 16:1-40

St. Paul in Europe1. Timotheus] was probably of Lystra, not Derbe. His mother Eunice was perhaps a widow, and she, together with his grandmother Lois, educated the lad in the religion of Israel, though he was not circumcised (see 2 Timothy 1:6). The whole family had been converted at St. Paul’s first visit. 3. See Preface to Acts 15. 4, 5. Here we have evidence that the decrees of the Council were actually promulgated in the Galatian Churches, and that they were well received.6-40. Journey into... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Acts 16:16

(16) As we went to prayer.—Better, perhaps, to the oratory, or place of prayer. (See Note on Acts 16:13.) It should be stated, however, that the Greek noun is used without the article, and that this is so far in favour of the Received rendering. On the other hand, we find the noun ecclesia, or church, used without the article in 1 Corinthians 14:4; 1 Corinthians 14:19; 1 Corinthians 14:35; 3 John 1:6, and it is, therefore, probable that proseucha might be used in the same way, just as we speak... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Acts 16:1-40

The Baffling of the Spirit Acts 16:7 Paul was on his second missionary journey when he was hindered thus by the Spirit of his Lord. He had made up his mind to go northward to Bithynia, when somehow he was Divinely checked. How the door was thus shut on him we are not told: it is one of the wise reticences of Scripture. Perhaps he was warned by some prophetic voice, or visited by irresistible conviction. On the other hand, if one prefer it so, we may think of the pressure of circumstance or... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Acts 16:1-40

CHAPTER 16 1. In Derbe and Lystra again. Timotheus (Acts 16:1-5 ). 2. The Preaching forbidden in Asia (Acts 16:6-8 ). 3. The Vision of the Man from Macedonia (Acts 16:9-12 ). 4. The Gospel in Europe (Acts 16:13-40 ). Read in connection with the first verses of this chapter 1 Timothy 1:18 ; 1Ti 4:14 ; 2 Timothy 1:5-6 ; 2 Timothy 3:15 . The circumcision of Timothy, the offspring of a mixed marriage, was not demanded by the law. Paul in circumcising Timothy manifested his liberty; he acted... read more

John Calvin

Geneva Study Bible - Acts 16:16

16:16 {10} And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of {f} divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:(10) Satan transforms himself into an angel of light, and covets to enter by undermining, but Paul openly stops him, and casts him out.(f) This is a sure sign of the god Apollo, who would give answers to those that asked him. read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 16:1-40

Coming to Derbe and Lystra, where he and Barnabas had been persecuted before, Paul was favorably impressed with the young man, Timothy, who had evidently been converted through Paul on his first visit (Cf. 1 Timothy 1:2). Though of a timid nature (2 Timothy 1:6-8), he was evidently considered by Paul as a dependable worker, having a good report of the brethren. This is always an important matter if one is concerned about doing the work of the Lord. But Paul also considered the consciences of... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Acts 16:1-40

SECOND JOURNEY Though the text of this lesson is long, it will be interesting to read it through at a single sitting, and get the whole journey at one view. The events are clear cut, easily remembered and apparent in their spiritual teaching. STARTING FORTH It begins with the contention between Paul and Barnabas men “of like passions” with ourselves, which was providentially overruled so that two missionary journeys grew out of it instead of one (Acts 15:36-41 ). Note that there were... read more

Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Acts 16:13-16

Chapter 55 Prayer Almighty God, wilt thou fill us with thy Spirit? We would not be filled with wine, wherein is excess, but with the Spirit of the Living God. We seek not to be exhilarated, but to be inspired. In thy Spirit is life, and in thy Spirit is rest. Baptize us, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Show us that we are indeed not our own, but that being bought with a price, we are thine body, soul, and spirit; and may we glorify thee at every point... read more

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