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Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Acts 5:34

As mentioned previously, the Pharisees were the minority party in the Sanhedrin, though there were more than 6,000 of them in Israel at this time. [Note: Josephus, Antiquities of . . ., 17:2:4.] They were, notwithstanding, far more influential with the masses than the Sadducees were. The Pharisees looked for a personal Messiah. They believed in the resurrection of the dead and the existence and activity of angels and demons. They tried to live a simple life in contrast to the Sadducees’... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Acts 5:34-40

Gamaliel’s wise counsel 5:34-40Gamaliel’s advocacy of moderation is the main point and reason for Luke’s record of the apostles’ second appearance before the Sanhedrin. Whereas the Sadducees "rose up" against the apostles (Acts 5:17), Gamaliel "rose up" against the Sadducees (Acts 5:34). He proved to be God’s instrument for preserving the apostles, and perhaps all the early Christians in Jerusalem, at this time. This is the first speech by a non-Christian that Luke recorded in Acts, which shows... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 5:1-42

The Apostles Again Imprisoned1-16. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was not keeping back part of the price, which they had a perfect right to do (Acts 5:4), but pretending that the money which they offered to the Apostles was the whole price of the possession sold, which was not the case. Their motive was vanity and ambition. They wished to have a greater reputation for liberality than they were entitled to.1. Ananias] i.e. ’Jehovah hath been gracious.’Sapphira] If the word is Greek it means... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Acts 5:34

(34) A Pharisee, named Gamaliel.—We are brought into contact here with one of the heroes of Rabbinic history. The part he now played in the opening of the great drama, and not less his position as the instructor of St. Paul, demand attention. We have to think of him as the grandson of the great Hillel the representative of the best school of Pharisaism, the tolerant and large-hearted rival of the narrow and fanatic Shammai, whose precepts—such, e.g., as, Do nothing to another which thou... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Acts 5:1-42

Definite Religious Teaching (In St. Lawrence Jewry, to the Association of Head Masters, 11th January, 1907) Acts 5:12 What were they doing there? Worshipping is the answer which used to be made; holding the primitive Divine service out of which have grown our liturgies. The unlikeliness of this answer does not need drawing out. We shall most of us agree that the meetings of the groups of Christians in the Temple's cloister must have been for conference on the affairs of the community on some ... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Acts 5:1-42

CHAPTER 5 1. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10 ). 2. Signs and wonders by the Apostles (Acts 5:11-16 ). 3. The second arrest of the Apostles and their Deliverance (Acts 5:17-25 ). 4. Before the Council (Acts 5:26-33 ). 5. Gamaliel’s Advice (Acts 5:34-39 ). 6. The Apostles beaten and dismissed (Acts 5:40-42 ). With this chapter the scene changes. Beautiful is the ending of the previous chapter, Barnabas having sold his land, laid the money at the feet of the Apostles. He gave by it a... read more

John Calvin

Geneva Study Bible - Acts 5:34

5:34 {13} Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputation among all the people, and commanded to put the apostles forth a little space;(13) Christ finds defenders of his cause, even in the very company of his enemies, as often as he thinks necessary. read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 5:1-42

Where God is working, however, the opposition of Satan soon becomes apparent. The evil begins (as evil always does) in an underhand manner, but is quickly exposed by God. Ananias and Sapphira certainly did not expect to have their sin discerned as it was. Evidently because others were doing it, they sold land, bringing part of the price to the apostles on the understanding that it was the full price. The power of the Spirit of God present at the time did not allow the falsehood to pass. God... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Acts 5:1-42

VARIED EXPERIENCES UNITY OF LOVE (Acts 4:31-37 ) The quickening in the last lesson was associated with another outpouring of the Holy Spirit but not another “baptism,” and some who had been filled before were refilled, with results following: (1) courage in preaching (Acts 4:31 ); (2) unity of soul (Acts 4:32 ); (3) power in testimony (Acts 4:33 ); and (4) love in practical conduct (Acts 4:34-37 ). This last result has sometimes been quoted as favoring Christian communism, but it is to be... read more

Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Acts 5:12-42

Chapter 13 Prayer Almighty God, thou dost speak wonderful things unto the children of men. Thy voice is like none other. The sound of thy voice is heard in our heart like music from heaven, and it soothes and inspires, and warms our life with a new glow. All thy words are wonderful, but who shall tell the graciousness of thy promises, how sweet they are, how many in number, strong as a great host, many as the drops of the dew of the morning. And thou dost not withhold one of them from the... read more

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