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Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Genesis 1:1-25

The Unbeginning Beginning Gen 1:1-25 Was ever the mind so staggered and so humiliated as by this first chapter of Genesis! The mind is plunged into infinite depths, and driven up into infinite heights, and forced with irresistible violence across infinite breadths, and then is asked by mechanical critics what it thinks of it all! Why, of course, it cannot think. It is in the whirl of an infinite amazement; it is humbled, abashed, and stupefied utterly. The action never pauses for a moment;... read more

Robert Hawker

Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary - Genesis 1:6-26

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God said, Let us pause over this verse; and in confirmation that the creation of man is the result of the Sacred Three, see Ecclesiastes 12:1 where the word Creator, (Heb. Creator's), being in the plural number, means Father, Son, and Holy... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - Genesis 1:6-13

6-13 The earth was emptiness, but by a word spoken, it became full of God's riches, and his they are still. Though the use of them is allowed to man, they are from God, and to his service and honour they must be used. The earth, at his command, brings forth grass, herbs, and fruits. God must have the glory of all the benefit we receive from the produce of the earth. If we have, through grace, an interest in Him who is the Fountain, we may rejoice in him when the streams of temporal mercies are... read more

Frank Binford Hole

F. B. Hole's Old and New Testament Commentary - Genesis 1:1-13

Genesis 1.1-1.13 . The first book of the Bible has a place of very great importance in the whole scheme of God-given truth which the Book brings to us. This may be stated with special emphasis in regard to its opening chapters, for in them is revealed to us the origin of the visible creation that surrounds us, together with the true account of how has come to pass the conditions of sin and sorrow and toil and pain and disease and death which fill the earth today. If we fall into untruth and... read more

Paul E. Kretzmann

The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann - Genesis 1:9-13

The Creation of the Dry Land, Herbs, and Trees v. 9. And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so. God here finished His creative work on inanimate matter, when His almighty command bade the waters from below the heavens, below the firmament which He had constructed, be gathered together into a single place, by themselves. In chaos the mixture of solids and liquids had been so complete as to preclude the... read more

Johann Peter Lange

Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical - Genesis 1:1-31

The Genesis of the World and of the Primitive Time of the Human Race, as the Genesis of the Primitive Religion until the Development of Heathendom, and of its Antithesis in the Germinating Patriarchalism. Genesis 1-11——————FIRST PARTTHE GENESIS OF THE WORLD, OF THE ANTITHESIS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, AND OF THE PRIMITIVE MEN. Ch. 1 and 2FIRST SECTIONThe Heaven, the Earth, and Man. The Creation and the World in an Upward series of Physical and Generic Development. Universalistic.Genesis 1:1 to... read more

Frederick Brotherton Meyer

F.B. Meyer's 'Through the Bible' Commentary - Genesis 1:6-19

Sky, Earth, Seasons Genesis 1:6-19 There were successive stages in creation. The days probably represent long periods. It is so with the new creation in our hearts. See 2 Corinthians 5:17 . In nature the clouds that float above us are separated from the waters at our feet so in Christian experience we must seek to quench our thirst not only from below, but from above. See Colossians 3:1-4 . Our wells must be filled from Heaven. Notice how in creation there are repeated separations, as... read more

G. Campbell Morgan

G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible - Genesis 1:1-31

The opening sentence of the Book of Genesis is an interpretation of the fact "that what is seen hath not been made out of things which do appear" ( Heb 11:3 ), and accounts for the things which are seen. The whole chapter, and, indeed, all subsequent Scripture, must be read in the light of this statement as to origins. This sentence is followed immediately by a declaration, without detail, of a cataclysm which overtook the earth. It then proceeds to show how the God who created, restored the... read more

Robert Neighbour

Wells of Living Water Commentary - Genesis 1:1-10

In The Beginning God Genesis 1:1-10 INTRODUCTORY WORDS In these days of humanizing God, we need to give more time to the study of God's eternity. The Bible opens with the expression, "In the beginning God." Let us consider three things. 1. God's solitariness. God was before all things because He was in the beginning. He was the Creator, and was, therefore, before anything was created. The human mind cannot grasp this marvel, God existed alone in His triune personality before ever anything... read more

Robert Neighbour

Wells of Living Water Commentary - Genesis 1:1-18

The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Genesis 1:1-18 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We have a very interesting study to set before you today. Most of us realize how vital a part the Holy Spirit plays in our own experiences, both in life and in service, We need, however, to remember that the Holy Spirit, from the very beginning, held a prominent and indisputable place in the relationships of Deity toward men. There is a special sense in which the Holy Spirit is the representative of the Trinity among... read more

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