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William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - Isaiah 11:1-16

CHAPTER XTHE SPIRIT OF GOD IN MAN AND THE ANIMALSABOUT 720 B.C.Isaiah 11:1-16; Isaiah 12:1-6BENEATH the crash of the Assyrian with which the tenth chapter closes, we pass out into the eleventh upon a glorious prospect of Israel’s future. The Assyrian when he falls shall fall forever like the cedars of Lebanon, that send no fresh sprout forth from their broken stumps. But out of the trunk of the Judaean oak, also brought down by these terrible storms, Isaiah sees springing a fair and powerful... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Isaiah 11:1-16

CHAPTER 11 The Coming King and His Kingdom 1. The King: Who He is and what He will do (Isaiah 11:1-5 ) 2. The peace and blessing He brings (Isaiah 11:6-10 ) 3. The gathering of scattered Israel (Isaiah 11:11-16 ) It is a great vision of the future which this chapter unfolds. The critics deny that the blessed Person mentioned in the opening verses is our Lord Jesus. They think Hezekiah or Josiah is meant. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 shows that it is our Lord. Link Isaiah 11:1-5 with Isaiah 9:6-7... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Isaiah 11:1-16

JUDGMENT ON ASSYRIA The verses intervening since the last lesson apply to Israel, and are comparatively unimportant; but at Isaiah 10:5 a discourse begins concerning Assyria, running continuously to the close of chapter twelve. Assyria, an ally of Judah, is to become her enemy, but the chastisement she is to inflict on Judah is in the divine purpose, up to a certain point (Isaiah 10:5-6 ). Assyria’s motive is not the divine glory, however, but her own aggrandizement, which leads her to go... read more

Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Isaiah 11:1-16

Prophecy and History Isaiah 11:0 We should connect the opening of the eleventh chapter with the close of the tenth in order to feel the full force of the contrast. There we read: "And he shall cut down the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one." Then comes the prophecy that "there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots" ( Isa 11:1 ). The cedar of Lebanon was the symbol of Assyrian power. It was a poor symbol.... read more

Robert Hawker

Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary - Isaiah 11:6-9

Spiritual blessings are promised, under figurative expressions. Such are the blessed effects introduced into the circumstances of mankind by the gospel of Christ, that, like the beasts of the forest tamed and brought under order, the passions of our fallen nature shall be regulated and restrained. A little child shall lead them; that is, the Lord's people shall be so much under the blessed influence of grace in the heart, that they will need nothing of human learning to guide them. And was not... read more

George Haydock

George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary - Isaiah 11:8

Basilisk. Psalm ix. 13. The apostles subdued kings and philosophers, without any human advantages. read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - Isaiah 11:1-9

1-9 The Messiah is called a Rod, and a Branch. The words signify a small, tender product; a shoot, such as is easily broken off. He comes forth out of the stem of Jesse; when the royal family was cut down and almost levelled with the ground, it would sprout again. The house of David was brought very low at the time of Christ's birth. The Messiah thus gave early notice that his kingdom was not of this world. But the Holy Spirit, in all his gifts and graces, shall rest and abide upon him; he... read more

Paul E. Kretzmann

The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann - Isaiah 11:1-9

The Messiah, The Branch out of the Stem Of Jesse v. 1. And there shall come forth a Rod, a fresh shoot or twig, out of the stem of Jesse, out of the dead stock, the stump, of the former proud tree of the house of David, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots, Zechariah 3:8; Zechariah 4:12; Jeremiah 23:5; Jeremiah 33:15, the root-stock being all that was left of the former grandeur of David's house, the renewal of his family by this singular Scion would indeed be a miracle; v. 2. and the... read more

Johann Peter Lange

Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical - Isaiah 11:1-9

III. ISRAEL’S REDEMPTION IN RELATION TO THE MESSIAHIsaiah 11:1 to Isaiah 12:61. FROM THE APPARENTLY DRIED UP ROOT OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID SHALL GO FORTH A SPROUT THAT SHALL FOUND A KINGDOM OF MOST GLORIOUS PEACEIsaiah 11:1-91          And there shall come forth a rod out of the 1stem of Jesse,And a 2Branch 3shall grow out of his roots:2     And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,The spirit of wisdom and understanding,The spirit of counsel and might,The spirit of knowledge and of the fear... read more

Alexander MacLaren

Alexander MacLaren's Expositions of Holy Scripture - Isaiah 11:1-10

Isaiah THE SUCKER FROM THE FELLED OAK Isa_11:1 - Isa_11:10 . The hopeless fall of Assyria is magnificently pictured in the close of Isa_10:1 - Isa_10:16 , as the felling of the cedars of Lebanon by the axe swung by Jehovah’s own hand. A cedar once cut down puts out no new shoots; and so the Assyrian power, when it falls, will fall for ever. The metaphor is carried on with surpassing beauty in the first part of this prophecy, which contrasts the indestructible vitality of the Davidic... read more

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