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Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:27-30

The Shepherd and the sheep. Notice— I. BELIEVERS IN RELATION TO CHRIST . 1. They are his property . 2. They are his special property . Special: II. SOME OF THEIR CHARACTERISTICS IN RELATION TO CHRIST . 1. " They hear his voice ." This implies: 2. " They follow him ." The hearing results in following. This implies: III. THE BLESSINGS THEY ENJOY IN RELATION TO CHRIST . 1. It is recognition of them ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:29

The last statement is sustained by a still loftier assumption. Before translating, it is necessary to notice the three readings of the text. read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:29

The Father's perfect protection. This verse explains, sustains, and completes the previous one. The previous verse indicates the double duty of the shepherd. He has to feed the flock, and he has to protect it. Jesus has to give eternal life, and secure it when given. But inevitably the thought arises in one's mind that oftentimes the shepherd is slain and the sheep are scattered. This was to be illustrated to a certain extent very soon after Jesus had spoken. It was not that the sheep were... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - John 10:30

Then follows the sublime minor premise of the syllogism, I and the Father (we) are one . As Augustine and Bengel have said, the first clause is incompatible with Sabelliauism, and the second clause with Arianism. The Lord is conscious of his own Personality as distinct from that of the Father, and yet he asserts a fundamental unity. But what kind of unity is it? Is it a unity of wish, emotion, sentiment, only? On the contrary, it is a oneness of redemptive power. The Divine activity of the... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - John 10:27

My sheep - My church, my people, those who have the true spirit of my followers. The name is given to his people because it was an illustration which would be well understood in a country abounding in flocks. There is also a striking resemblance, which he proceeds to state, between them.Hear my voice - See John 10:3-4. Applied to Christians, it means that they hear and obey his commandments.I know them - See John 10:14.They follow me - A flock follows its shepherd to pastures and streams, John... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - John 10:28

I give unto them eternal life - See John 5:24.Shall never perish - To perish here means to be destroyed, or to be punished in hell. Matthew 10:28; “which is able to destroy (the same word) both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 18:14; “it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” John 3:15; “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish” Romans 2:12; They who have sinned without law shall also perish without law” Joh 17:12; 1 Corinthians... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - John 10:29

Which gave them me - See John 6:37.Is greater - Is more powerful.Than all - Than all others - men, angels, devils. The word includes everything - everything that could attempt to pluck them away from God; in other words, it means that God is supreme. It implies, further, that God will keep them, and will so control all other beings and things that they shall be safe.None is able - None has power to do it. In these two verses we are taught the following important truths:1.That Christians are... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - John 10:30

I and my Father are one - The word translated “one” is not in the masculine, but in the neuter gender. It expresses union, but not the precise nature of the union. It may express any union, and the particular kind intended is to be inferred from the connection. In the previous verse he had said that he and his Father were united in the same object that is, in redeeming and preserving his people. It was this that gave occasion for this remark. Many interpreters have understood this as referring... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - John 10:27-31

John 10:27-31. My sheep hear my voice, &c. Our Lord still alludes to the discourse he had had before this festival. As if he had said, My sheep are those who, 1st, Hear my voice by faith; 2d, Are known (that is, approved) by me as loving me; and, 3d, Follow me, keep my commandments, with a believing, loving heart. And to those who, 1st, Truly believe, (observe three promises annexed to three conditions,) I give eternal life. He does not say, I will give, but I give. For he... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - John 10:22-42

94. At the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22-42)The Feast of Dedication commemorated the rededication of the temple in 165 BC after the defeat of Antiochus Epiphanes (see ‘The New Testament World’). It was held about two months after the Feast of Tabernacles (cf. John 7:2) and was the Jews’ only winter festival (cf. John 10:22).Many Jews felt it was time Jesus made a clear public statement that he was the Messiah. Jesus replied that his works were a clear enough statement, but most of the Jews... read more

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