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George Haydock

George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary - Joshua 7:25

Day. Hence some have drawn a very weak argument, to prove the repentance of Achan, as if he had only to undergo a temporary punishment. It is probable, however, that his sincere confession, proceeding from a penitent heart, might influence God to shew him mercy. --- Fire. Children, as well as his other effects; though some have supposed that the former were spared, as they are not here specified. Hebrew seems to include them; "and burnt them with fire after they had stoned them with stones."... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - Joshua 7:16-26

16-26 See the folly of those that promise themselves secrecy in sin. The righteous God has many ways of bringing to light the hidden works of darkness. See also, how much it is our concern, when God is contending with us, to find out the cause that troubles us. We must pray with holy Job, Lord, show me wherefore thou contendest with me. Achan's sin began in the eye. He saw these fine things, as Eve saw the forbidden fruit. See what comes of suffering the heart to walk after the eyes, and what... read more

Paul E. Kretzmann

The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann - Joshua 7:10-26

Achan Found Guilty and Punished v. 10. And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? This direct answer of Jehovah implied that Joshua had no reason to doubt the faithfulness of the Lord, but that the fault lay with the people. v. 11. Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. It was Israel that had broken faith by setting aside the obligations of the covenant of Jehovah; for they have even taken of the... read more

Johann Peter Lange

Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical - Joshua 7:1-26

2. Achan’s TheftJoshua 7:0a. The Crime1But the children [sons] of Israel committed a trespass in the accursed thing [in respect to what was devoted]: for [and] Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed thing [of what was devoted]: and the anger of the Lord [Jehovah] was kindled against the children [sons] of Israel.b. Its evil Effects in the unfortunate Expedition against AiJoshua 7:2-52And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which... read more

Frederick Brotherton Meyer

F.B. Meyer's 'Through the Bible' Commentary - Joshua 7:16-26

the Troubler Found and Removed Joshua 7:16-26 When God deals with sin He traces its genealogy. Twice over we have the list of Achan’s ancestors, Joshua 7:1 ; Joshua 7:18 . To deal with sin thoroughly we need to go back to its sources. See James 1:14-15 . How Achan’s heart must have stood still as he beheld the closer approach of detection, like the contracting walls of a chamber of horrors. One by one we pass before the eye of Omniscience, as a ship’s company before the quarantine officer.... read more

G. Campbell Morgan

G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible - Joshua 7:1-26

This chapter opens with a significant and ominous "But." So far we have had the record of remarkable progress but! We now see the triumphant people defeated and flying and the reason is declared. It was the sin of a man, but it was also the sin of the nation. Israel had now become a nation in very deed, and therefore no one person could act alone. Individualism is a far more tremendous responsibility when it has ceased to be mere individualism. The sin of the one became the sin of the... read more

Robert Neighbour

Wells of Living Water Commentary - Joshua 7:11-26

Sin Will Find You Out Joshua 7:11-26 INTRODUCTORY WORDS The question of sin is ever paramount in the Word of God. It was sin that made necessary the death of Christ upon the Cross. In spite of this, we would like to discuss with you for a while, the world's attitude toward sin, in contrast with the Divine attitude. 1. Men belittle the heinousness of sin, while God magnifies it. (1) Men belittle sin inasmuch as they deny its existence. How many there are in these days of revelry and... read more

James Nisbet

James Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary - Joshua 7:25

THE TROUBLER OF ISRAEL‘Why hast thou troubled us?’ Joshua 7:25 Ai was a royal city, which was in existence in the time of Abraham. It lay in the uplands to the east of Bethel, amid ‘a wild entanglement of hill and valley’; so its capture might well have been reckoned difficult even by experienced besiegers. But the miraculous success at Jericho had inspired such hopes in Israel, that the capture of Ai seemed a certainty. What a critical hour this was for Israel! A crushing defeat now might... read more

Peter Pett

Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible - Joshua 7:25

‘ And Joshua said, “Why have you troubled us? YHWH will trouble you this day.” And all Israel stoned him with stones. And they burned them with fire and stoned them with stones.’ Joshua’s declaration was not vindictive. It was a public declaration of the reason for what was being done, a judicial statement of his sentence. Achan was receiving what he had done to others, an eye for an eye. He had brought down great trouble. He must receive great trouble. All Israel participated in the carrying... read more

Arthur Peake

Arthur Peake's Commentary on the Bible - Joshua 7:1-26

VII. Achan’ s Trespass, Israel’ s Defeat, Achan’ s Punishment. Joshua 7:1 . The name should probably be Achar. The narrative presents no difficulties till the end of the chapter, where Achan’ s punishment is recorded. Joshua 7:2 . Ai: probably 2 miles SE. of Bethel (p. 31). Joshua 7:9 . And what wilt thou do for (or on account of) thy great name? The meaning is that if Israel is destroyed there will be none to worship Yahweh; an interesting example of the ancient belief in the close... read more

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