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John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 16:1-31

The Unjust Steward. The Rich Man and Lazarus1-13. Parable of the Unjust Steward (peculiar to Lk). The details of this somewhat difficult parable are probably not significant. It is intended to illustrate the proper use of wealth. Christians should use it so well here on earth, by expending it not selfishly on their own pleasures, but unselfishly for the good of others, and for the advancement of God’s kingdom, that instead of hindering them from reaching heaven, it will help them to enter... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Luke 16:23

(23) And in hell.—The Greek word is Hades, not Gehenna; the unseen world of the dead, not the final prison of the souls of the lost. (See Note on Matthew 5:22.) It lies almost on the surface of the parable that it describes an earlier stage of the life after death than that in Matthew 25:31-46. There is no mention here of the Advent of the Judge. As far as the parable itself is concerned, there is nothing to exclude the thought that the torments might have in part the character of a discipline... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Luke 16:1-31

The Unjust Steward Luke 16:2 We call this parable the Parable of the Unjust Steward i.e. a fraudulent, dishonest steward and such undoubtedly he did become; but not deliberately dishonest up to the time when his lord called him suddenly to account. He was accused to his lord that he had wasted his goods; not a purposed and continued fraud, but a long-continued faithlessness to his trust. He had forgotten that he was the trustee for his lord's possessions, and he had lived on neglecting plain... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Luke 16:1-31

CHAPTER 16 1. The Unjust Steward. (Luke 16:1-12 ) 2. The Impossible Service. (Luke 16:13 ) 3. The Deriding Pharisees Answered. (Luke 16:14-17 ) 4. Concerning Divorce. (Luke 16:18 ) 5. The Rich Man and Lazarus. (Luke 16:19-31 .) Luke 16:1-12 Let us notice that this story was spoken to the disciples. It contains a number of difficulties. It has well been said “there are knots in it which perhaps will never be untied, until the Lord comes again. We might reasonably expect that a book... read more

John Calvin

Geneva Study Bible - Luke 16:23

16:23 And in hell {i} he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.(i) Heavenly and spiritual things are expressed and set forth using language fit for our senses. read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 16:1-31

A PARABLE AS TO THE USE OF THE MASTER'S GOODS (vs.1-13) Now the Lord turned to address His disciples. For though it is pure grace that saves and finds deep delight in the repentance of a sinner, yet God's wise government is not ignored in the case of one wasting His goods, as the prodigal had done. The steward (one employed to care for his master's goods) in this chapter had proven unfaithful. The goods (the unrighteous mammon -- v.11) are earthly possessions entrusted to the hands of the... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Luke 16:1-31

USE OF OPPORTUNITY In the last lesson thought was turned towards the heavenly calling of the disciples, of which earthly wealth is not necessarily a part. To the Jews, this was a great change, which we who, unlike them, never had a country on earth allocated to us, cannot well understand. For this reason our Lord now changes the character of His instruction, and shows in the parable of the unjust steward the results of the right use of opportunity, and in the story of the rich man and... read more

Robert Hawker

Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary - Luke 16:19-31

(19) There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: (20) And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores, (21) And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. (22) And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died, and was buried: (23) And in hell he lifted... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - Luke 16:19-31

19-31 Here the spiritual things are represented, in a description of the different state of good and bad, in this world and in the other. We are not told that the rich man got his estate by fraud, or oppression; but Christ shows, that a man may have a great deal of the wealth, pomp, and pleasure of this world, yet perish for ever under God's wrath and curse. The sin of this rich man was his providing for himself only. Here is a godly man, and one that will hereafter be happy for ever, in the... read more

Frank Binford Hole

F. B. Hole's Old and New Testament Commentary - Luke 16:1-99

Luke 16 THESE PARABLES WERE spoken to the Pharisees but the one that opens this chapter was spoken to the disciples. They were instructed by it as to the position in which men find themselves before God, and the behaviour that befits them in that position. We are stewards, and have been unfaithful in our stewardship. The steward was accused to his master that he had “wasted his goods.” This phrase gives us a link with the previous parable, for the younger son had “wasted his substance with... read more

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