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Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Revelation 12:10

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven - The great enemy was expelled; the cause of God and truth was triumphant; and the conquering hosts united in celebrating the victory. This representation of a song, consequent on victory, is in accordance with the usual representations in the Bible. See the song of Moses at the Red Sea, Exodus 15:0; the song of Deborah, Judges 5:0; the song of David when the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, 2 Samuel 22:0; and Isa 12:25. On no... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Revelation 12:11

And they overcame him - That is, he was foiled in his attempt thus to destroy the church. The reference here, undoubtedly, is primarily to the martyr age and to the martyr spirit; and the meaning is, that religion had not become extinct by these accusations, as Satan hoped it would be, but lived and triumphed. By their holy lives, by their faithful testimony, by their patient sufferings, they showed that all these accusations were false, and that the religion which they professed Was from God,... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Revelation 12:12

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens - It is not unusual in the Scriptures to call on the heavens and the earth to sympathize with the events that occur. Compare the notes on Isaiah 1:2. Here the heavens are called on to rejoice because of the signal victory which it was seen would be achieved over the great enemy. Heaven itself was secure from any further rebellion or invasion, and the foundation was laid for a final victory over Satan everywhere.And ye that dwell in them - The angels and the... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Revelation 12:7-12

Revelation 12:7-12. And there was war in heaven, &c. It might reasonably be presumed that all the powers of idolatry would be strenuously exerted against the establishment of Christianity, and especially against the establishment of a Christian on the imperial throne: and these struggles and contentions between the heathen and the Christian religions are here represented by war in heaven, between the angels of darkness and angels of light. Michael was (Daniel 10:21; Dan 12:1 ) the... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Revelation 12:1-17

12:1-14:20 PICTURES OF CONFLICT AND TRIUMPHThe woman, the child and the dragon (12:1-17)In this vision the woman who gives birth to a son seems to symbolize Israel who produced the Messiah, Jesus. But it is the true Israel, the true people of God, who are pictured here. The faithful of old Israel were those who began the Christian church, and in the church there is no distinction on the basis of nationality. All Christians are now God’s people (12:1-2).Then appears a dragon (identified in verse... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Revelation 12:10

The central verse in Revelation. loud = great. salvation = the salvation. strength = the power. App-172 .1; Rev 176:1 . kingdom. See App-114 . power. App-172 . Christ. App-98 . accuser. Greek. kategoros. Only here in Rev. is = was. cast down. As "cast out", Revelation 12:9 , with the texts. accused = accuseth. First occurance: Matthew 12:10 ; last, here. read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Revelation 12:11

word. App-121 . testimony. See Revelation 1:2 . loved. App-135 . lives = life. the. Omit. read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Revelation 12:12

Therefore = For this cause. heavens. In Rev. only here in plural, while fifty-one occurences in singular. See Revelation 3:12 and Matthew 6:10 . dwell. Literally tabernacle. See Revelation 7:15 and Revelation 13:6 . Woe. Third and most terrible of the three woes (Revelation 8:13 ). the . . . of. The texts omit. come = gone. wrath. Greek. thumas. First of ten occurrences in Rev. because . . . that = knowing ( App-132 .) that. time. Greek. kairos. App-195 . read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Revelation 12:10

And I heard a great voice in heaven saying, Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom, of our God, and the authority of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accuseth them before our God day and night.I heard a voice in heaven ... We do not need to identify the voice as being either that of the martyrs or other deceased Christians.The singers are heavenly beings, but are not designated more precisely. They are not saints, for these are not represented by... read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Revelation 12:11

And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death.This portion of the proleptic doxology, still being spoken by the angels of heaven, takes a still greater leap into the future and rejoices at the salvation of saints who would overcome by the blood of the Lamb and love the Lord even unto death. The big point of this doxology which John placed in the mouths of the angels is that Michael's victory had... read more

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