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Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Revelation 19:5-7

(5-7) And a voice came.—From the direction of the throne there came a voice bidding all God’s servants rejoice. We are not told whose voice it is. Some have assumed that it is Christ’s: it is better to leave it indefinite. In response to the bidding, the voice of praise is heard (like the voice spoken of in Revelation 14:2), as it were, the voice of a great multitude; and, as it were, the voice of many waters; and, as it were, the voice of mighty thunders. All nature’s tones seem mingled in... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Revelation 19:1-21

Revelation 19:2 The real force of demonstration for Girolamo Savonarola lay in his own burning indignation at the sight of wrong; in his fervent belief in an Unseen Justice that would put an end to the wrong, and in an Unseen Purity to which lying and uncleanness were an abomination. To his ardent, power-loving soul, believing in great ends, and longing to achieve those ends by the exertion of its own strong will, the faith in a supreme and righteous Ruler became one with the faith in a speedy... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - Revelation 19:1-21

CHAPTER XV.THE PAUSE OF VICTORY AND JUDGMENT OF THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET.Revelation 19:1-21.THOSE who have followed with attention the course of this commentary can hardly fail to have ob served its leading conception of the book with which it deals. That conception is that the Revelation of St. John presents to us in visions the history of the Church moulded upon the history of her Lord whilst He tabernacled among men. It is the invariable lesson of the New Testament that Christ and His... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Revelation 19:1-21

CHAPTERS 19-20:6 The Manifestation of the King and the Millennium 1. Heavenly hallelujahs and the marriage of the Lamb (Revelation 19:1-6 ) 2. Heaven opened and His visible manifestation (Revelation 19:11-16 ) 3. The battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:17-21 ) 4. The binding of Satan (Revelation 20:1-3 ) 5. The thousand-year reign (Revelation 20:4-6 ) Revelation 19:1-10 . Once more we find the significant phrase “after these things” (Revelation 4:1 ; Revelation 7:1 ; Revelation 18:1 ).... read more

John Calvin

Geneva Study Bible - Revelation 19:6

19:6 And I heard {6} as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.(6) Outside the temple in heaven. read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - Revelation 19:1-21

More Rejoicing in Heaven The prophet John hears in heaven a celebration of great magnitude (v. 1). How rightly so, for the true bride (the Church-Revelation 19:7) is there, and to see all the claims of the false bride forever rejected will cause deepest thanksgiving and praise to God. Her defiance of the truth of God in claiming to be the bride of Christ, while actually being a harlot, is a most revolting feature of her character. But God has refused this, and salvation, glory, honor and... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Revelation 19:1-21

THE SEVEN DOOMS CONTINUED Continuing the last lesson we begin this with what we have come to recognize as the Parenthesis (Revelation 19:1-10 ), and which in this case is composed simply of four “alleluiahs.” Two are retrospective and refer to the fall of Babylon, and two are prospective, touching on the marriage supper of the lamb and the inauguration of the kingdom. The Lamb’s wife (Revelation 19:7 ) is the bride (Revelation 21:9 ) or the church, identified with the “heavenly Jerusalem”... read more

Robert Hawker

Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary - Revelation 19:4-10

(4) And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia. (5) And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. (6) And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. (7) Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to... read more

George Haydock

George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary - Revelation 19:6

The voice of a great multitude. Menochius applies this voice to the multitude of Angels and saints, which from its strength may be compared to the voice of rushing waters, and because of the terror with which it strikes the wicked. Pastorini understands by this voice of many waters, the voices of many Angels that preside over the nations, denoted by waters, which had all before groaned under the tyranny of antichrist; and the voice of great thunders, that of the Angel who presides over fire,... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - Revelation 19:1-10

1-10 Praising God for what we have, is praying for what is yet further to be done for us. There is harmony between the angels and the saints in this triumphant song. Christ is the Bridegroom of his ransomed church. This second union will be completed in heaven; but the beginning of the glorious millennium (by which is meant a reign of Christ, or a state of happiness, for a thousand years on earth) may be considered as the celebration of his espousals on earth. Then the church of Christ, being... read more

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