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William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - Deuteronomy 4:1-40

MOSES’ FAREWELL SPEECHESDeuteronomy 4:1-40, Deuteronomy 27:1-26; Deuteronomy 28:1-68; Deuteronomy 29:1-29; Deuteronomy 30:1-20.WITH the twenty-sixth chapter the entirely homogeneous central portion of the Book of Deuteronomy ends, and it concludes it most worthily. It prescribes two ceremonies which are meant to give solemn expression to the feeling of thankfulness which the love of God, manifested in so many laws and precepts, covering the commonest details of life, should have made the... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Deuteronomy 4:1-40

3. Hearken, O Israel! CHAPTER 4 1. Obedience demanded (Deuteronomy 4:1-8 ) 2. The covenant to be observed (Deuteronomy 4:9-14 ) 3. Take heed unto yourselves lest ye forget (Deuteronomy 4:15-24 ) 4. The warning (Deuteronomy 4:25-31 ) 5. Israel, the chosen nation (Deuteronomy 4:32-40 ) “Now therefore hearken, O Israel” marks the beginning of the exhortation to keep the law of the Lord. First he had shown the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord and upon that Moses admonishes them to... read more

L.M. Grant

L. M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible - Deuteronomy 4:1-49

MOSES INSISTS ON OBEDIENCE (vs.1-14) Because God had already blessed Israel and intended to bless them more greatly still. Moses urges them to "listen to the statutes and judgments" he is teaching them, for these are their very life and the basis for their possessing the land God had given them (v.1). How vitally true this is for us today also. It is the Word of God by which we live (Matthew 4:4), and it is that Word by which we enter into the blessings "in heavenly places" that are given us... read more

James Gray

James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary - Deuteronomy 4:1-49

REVIEW OF THE LAWS THE LESSONS OF SINAI (Deuteronomy 4:0 ) What makes a nation wise and understanding (Deuteronomy 4:6 )? What makes a nation great (Deuteronomy 4:7-8 )? What obligation does one generation owe the next (Deuteronomy 4:9 )? Of all the divine commandments, which are the most important (Deuteronomy 4:10-13 )? Of these ten, which one is particularly emphasized (Deuteronomy 4:15-28 )? How is God’s merciful character illustrated in one connection with these commandments... read more

Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Deuteronomy 4:1-49

Memory and Duty Deuteronomy 4:0 In the ninth verse we have a very solemn possibility indicated. The words of Moses are: "Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons." The solemn possibility is the possibility of forgetting God and God's providence in human life. We fail not always through sin or vulgar crime, as if with... read more

Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Deuteronomy 4:32-40

The Speciality of the Bible Deu 4:32-40 This is the eternal challenge of the Bible. The appeal may be regarded as a call to the study of comparative religions. There are many religions in the world; gather them up into one view, extend the inquiry far and wide, through time and space, and see whether the Bible does not separate itself from all other books by miracles that cannot be rivalled and by excellences that cannot be equalled. Other miracles are not denied, other excellences are not... read more

Joseph Parker

The People's Bible by Joseph Parker - Deuteronomy 4:39

The Relation of Man to God Deu 4:39 I should like it to be understood, that I occupy the position of a distinctively Christian teacher, with the Christian Scriptures open before me, and everything I say is to be judged by this fact. A pagan might argue for the existence of a Creator; but the pagan and I would mean different things, though we might employ exactly the same words. Mine is a Christian faith; therefore I seek to teach truth as it is in Jesus. This you must bear in mind if you... read more

Robert Hawker

Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary - Deuteronomy 4:32-40

If we read these verses with an enlightened understanding, and paraphrase them in gospel terms, as they really ought to be read by every awakened and regenerated soul, how precious do the evidences of distinguishing grace manifest themselves under everyone of them, to the believer's own experience. Reader! suffer me, for example's sake, only to suppose that you are the happy partaker of the covenant mercies of GOD in CHRIST; and may I not then say to you, as Moses did to Israel; Ask now of the... read more

George Haydock

George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary - Deuteronomy 4:38

Day. They had already conquered the mighty kingdoms of Sehon and of Og. (Menochius) read more

George Haydock

George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary - Deuteronomy 4:39

Other. The power of the true and only God is not confined to the sea, or to the land, &c., (Calmet) as the pagans believed that of their various idols was. (Haydock) read more

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