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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:6

A time to get, - to lose, - to keep, - to cast away - read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:7

A time to rend, - sew, - keep silence, - speak - - "Intestine broils And factions rend a state: at length the breach Is heal'd, and rest ensues. Wisdom restrains The tongue, when words are vain: but now, 'Tis time to speak, and silence would be criminal." read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:9

What profit hath he - What real good, what solid pleasure, is derived from all the labors of man? Necessity drives him to the principal part of his cares and toils; he labors that he may eat and drink; and he eats and drinks that he may be preserved alive, and kept from sickness and pain. Love of money, the basest of all passions, and restless ambition, drive men to many labors and expedients, which perplex and often destroy them. He, then, who lives without God, travails in pain all his... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:10

I have seen the travail - Man is a sinner; and, because he is such, he suffers. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:11

Beautiful in his time - God's works are well done; there are order, harmony, and beauty in them all. Even the caterpillar is a finished beauty in all the changes through which it passes, when its structure is properly examined, and the ends kept in view in which each change is to issue. Nothing of this kind can be said of the works of man. The most finished works of art are bungling jobs, when compared with the meanest operation of nature. He hath set the world in their heart - העולם ... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:12

I know that there is no good in them, but, etc. - Since God has so disposed the affairs of this world, that the great events of providence cannot be accelerated or retarded by human cares and anxieties, submit to God; make a proper use of what he has given: do thyself no harm, and endeavor as much as possible to do others good. Enjoy, and bless thyself; let others share The transient blessing: 'tis the gift of God. read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:14

I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever - לעולם leolam , for eternity; in reference to that grand consummation of men and things intimated in Ecclesiastes 3:11 . God has produced no being that he intends ultimately to destroy. He made every thing in reference to eternity; and, however matter may be changed and refined, animal and intellectual beings shall not be deprived of their existence. The brute creation shall be restored, and all human spirits shall live for ever;... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:15

That which hath been is now - God governs the world now, as he has governed it from the beginning; and the revolutions and operations of nature are the same now, that they have been from the beginning. What we see now, is the same as has been seen by those before us. And God requireth that which is past - i.e., That it may return again in its proper order. The heavens themselves, taking in their great revolutions, show the same phenomena. Even comets are supposed to have their... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:16

The plate of judgment, that wickedness was there - The abuse of power, and the perversion of judgment, have been justly complained of in every age of the world. The following paraphrase is good: - "But what enjoyment can our labors yield, When e'en the remedy prescribed by heaven To cure disorders proves our deadliest bane? When God's vicegerents, destined to protect The weak from insolence of power, to guard Their lives and fortunes, impious robbers turn? And, or by force or... read more

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