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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible - John 6:36-46

36-46 The discovery of their guilt, danger, and remedy, by the teaching of the Holy Spirit, makes men willing and glad to come, and to give up every thing which hinders applying to him for salvation. The Father's will is, that not one of those who were given to the Son, should be rejected or lost by him. No one will come, till Divine grace has subdued, and in part changed his heart; therefore no one who comes will ever be cast out. The gospel finds none willing to be saved in the humbling, holy... read more

Frank Binford Hole

F. B. Hole's Old and New Testament Commentary - John 6:1-99

John 6 THIS CHAPTER BRINGS US back again to Galilee, and we read of another of the great “signs” which Jesus did. The miracle of feeding the five thousand has evidently a special importance, since it is related in each of the four Gospels. Our chapter gives us the teaching, based upon it and relating to it, which makes apparent its significance. The miracle itself is described in such a way as to emphasize the Lord’s resource and foreknowledge. Jesus first addressed Himself to Philip. Now this... read more

Paul E. Kretzmann

The Popular Commentary by Paul E. Kretzmann - John 6:41-46

The murmuring Jews: v. 41. The Jews then murmured at Him because He said, I am the Bread which came down from heaven. v. 42. And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How is it, then, that He saith, I came down from heaven? v. 43. Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. v. 44. No man can come to Me except the Father which hath sent Me draw him; and I will raise him up at the last day. v. 45. It is written... read more

Johann Peter Lange

Lange's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical - John 6:22-65

3. Decisive Declaration Of Christ, And Offence Of Many DisciplesJohn 6:22-65EXEGETICAL AND CRITICAL[After a brief historical introduction, John 6:22-25, John gives that wonderful discourse which unfolds the symbolic meaning of the miraculous feeding of the multitude, namely, the grand truth that Christ is the Bread of everlasting life, which alone can satisfy the spiritual wants of men. It may be divided into four parts, each of which is introduced by an act of the audience and determined by... read more

Frederick Brotherton Meyer

F.B. Meyer's 'Through the Bible' Commentary - John 6:41-51

the Food of Eternal Life John 6:41-51 That phrase, the last day, was constantly on the Master’s lips, John 6:39-40 ; John 6:44 ; John 6:54 ; John 12:48 . It is an indefinite expression for those final scenes in which the history of our race is to be consummated through resurrection and judgment. Jesus lays great emphasis on His resurrection as completing His work for those who come to Him. It is not enough to impart eternal life. That would bless the spirit, but leave the body untouched.... read more

G. Campbell Morgan

G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible - John 6:1-71

The whole chapter really records things resulting from the conflict recorded in the previous one. Having crossed the sea, Jesus first fed the multitude, and they, enamored of His ability, attempted to take Him by force, and make Him King. This He would not permit. Sending His disciples across the sea He retired to the mountain. Then followed the wonder -recorded also by Matthew and Mark--of His stilling of the storm. Thus it will be seen that He returned to where the conflict had occurred, and... read more

Robert Neighbour

Wells of Living Water Commentary - John 6:33-56

The Bread of Life John 6:33-56 INTRODUCTORY WORDS When the devil said to Christ. "If Thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread," the Lord quickly unsheathed the sword of the Spirit as found in Deuteronomy 8:1-3 , and replied, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." 1. We have superiority of the spiritual man to the natural man. Shall we feed the natural, the physical man, at the cost of the decadence and neglect of... read more

Peter Pett

Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible - John 6:26-59

The Bread of Life, Eating His Flesh And Drinking His Blood (John 6:26-59 ). The narrative that follows must be carefully divided up if it is to be properly understood. There are in fact three clearly differentiated phases: · The first is to do with the crowd who have come seeking Him (John 6:26-40). In this there is only reference to partaking of the bread of life by coming to Him and believing on Him. The ideas that He promulgates are purely based on the parabolic idea of spiritual bread. ·... read more

Peter Pett

Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible - John 6:41-50

The Life-Giving Bread Is For Those Drawn by the Father And He Will Give His Flesh For The Life Of The World (John 6:41-50 ). At this point there would appear to be an important change in the narrative. Up to this point it had been ‘the people’ who have been questioning Him. Now the scene moves on. “ The people” fade into the background and He finds Himself dealing with “the Judaisers”. This is John’s term regularly used for the Jewish authoritarians, and especially for a hard core of them who... read more

Peter Pett

Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible - John 6:46

“Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the one who is from God, he has seen the Father.” But even though such people have heard the Father they have not seen the Father, because no man has seen God at any time (John 1:18). Indeed no one can see God and live (Exodus 33:20). But there is One, and only One, Who has uniquely seen the Father. He is the One Who is from God, and it is Jesus Himself. He alone is such that He can actually look on the Father’s glory, (a glory which had once been... read more

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