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Matthew Poole

Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible - Psalms 148:4

Ye heavens of heavens; ye highest and most glorious heavens, the place of God’s throne and glorious presence, as this phrase is used, Deuteronomy 10:14; 1 Kings 8:27; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalms 115:16. Or, ye starry heavens, which also may well be so called, because they are above the air, which is oft. called heaven in Scripture. Ye waters that be above the heavens; ye clouds, which are above a part of the heavens; of which See Poole "Genesis 1:7". read more

Joseph Exell

Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary - Psalms 148:1-14

INTRODUCTION“In this splendid anthem the Psalmist calls upon the whole creation, in its two great divisions (according to the Hebrew conception) of heaven and earth, to praise Jehovah. Things with and things without life, beings rational and irrational, are summoned to join the mighty chorus. The Psalm is an expression of the loftiest devotion, and embraces at the same time the most comprehensive view of the relation of the creature to the Creator. Whether it is exclusively the utterance of a... read more

Chuck Smith

Chuck Smith Bible Commentary - Psalms 148:1-14

Psalms 148:1-14 :Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him from the heights. Praise him, all ye his angels: praise him, all his hosts. Praise ye him, sun, moon: stars of light. The heavens of heavens, the waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created ( Psalms 148:1-5 ).So, first of all, the calling forth for praise unto God by all of His created hosts: the angels, the hosts, the stars, and planets, and the universe.He also... read more

Joseph Sutcliffe

Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments - Psalms 148:1-14

This is another hallelujah psalm of Haggai and of Zechariah the prophets, in which all nature is made the choir, and Jehovah the object of the song. Psalms 148:4 . Ye heavens of heavens. This is the phrase of Solomon, in his prayer at the dedication of the temple, and is equivalent to the whole expanse of heaven. The ancients had not our astronomical terms, and names of natural history; yet there is much grandeur in their ideas, and majesty in their language. They speak of the garments of... read more

Joseph Exell

The Biblical Illustrator - Psalms 148:1-14

Psalms 148:1-14Praise ye the Lord from the heavens.The great, the greater, and the greatest: -I. The great. Sun, moon, stars, etc.1. How boundless in variety.2. How immeasurable in extent.II. The greater.1. Rational and responsible existences.(1) Angelic existences.(2) Human existences.2. This moral universe is greater than the non-moral.(1) It reflects more of God. It mirrors His spirituality, His freedom, His conscience, etc. There is more of God seen in one holy soul than in the whole... read more

John Trapp

John Trapp Complete Commentary - Psalms 148:4

Psa 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that [be] above the heavens. Ver. 4. Praise him, ye heavens of heavens ] Whereby he meaneth not the lowest heavens, the air whereon we breathe, and wherein birds fly, clouds swim, &c., as some would have it; but the highest heaven, called by St Paul the third heaven, the habitation of the crowned saints and glorious angels; called by philosophers coelum Empyreum, and here by the psalmist the heavens of heavens, as King of kings,... read more

Samuel Bagster

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge - Psalms 148:4

heavens: Psalms 113:6, 1 Kings 8:27, 2 Corinthians 12:2 waters: Psalms 104:3, Genesis 1:7, Genesis 7:11 Reciprocal: Genesis 1:1 - God Genesis 1:6 - Let there Deuteronomy 10:14 - the heaven Job 37:18 - spread Psalms 19:1 - The heavens Psalms 115:16 - heaven Isaiah 55:12 - the mountains Jeremiah 10:12 - hath made read more

John Wesley

Wesley's Explanatory Notes - Psalms 148:4

Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.Heavens of heavens — Ye highest heavens, the place of God's throne.Waters — Ye clouds which are above a part of the heavens. read more

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