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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - 1 Timothy 5:17-25

Here are directions, I. Concerning the supporting of ministers. Care must be taken that they be honourably maintained (1 Tim. 5:17): Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour (that is, of double maintenance, double to what they have had, or to what others have), especially those who labour in the word and doctrine, those who are more laborious than others. Observe, The presbytery ruled, and the same that ruled were those who laboured in the word and doctrine: they had... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - 1 Timothy 5:23

5:23 Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine for the sake of your stomach, to help your frequent illnesses. This sentence shows the real intimacy of these letters. Amidst the affairs of the Church and the problems of administration, Paul finds time to slip in a little bit of loving advice to Timothy about his health. There had always been a strain of asceticism in Jewish religion. When a man took the Nazirite vow ( Numbers 6:1-21 ) he was pledged never to taste any of the... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - 1 Timothy 5:23

Drink no longer water ,.... Though it was commendable in him to keep under his body, as the apostle did, by abstemious living, and not pamper the flesh and encourage the lusts of it, and so preserve purity and chastity; yet it was proper that he should take care of his health, that it was not impaired by too much severity, and so he be incapable of doing the work of the Lord. And it seems by this, that his long and only use of water for his drink had been prejudicial to his health: wherefore... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:23

Drink no longer water, but use a little wine - The whole of this verse seems, to several learned critics and divines, strangely inserted in this place; it might have been, according to them, a note which the apostle inserted in the margin of his letter, on recollecting the precarious state of Timothy's health, and his great abstemiousness and self-denial. I believe the verse to be in its proper place; and, for reasons which I shall adduce, not less necessary than the directions which precede... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - 1 Timothy 5:23

Verse 23 23No longer drink water There are some who conjecture that this sentence, which breaks off the train of thought, was not written by Paul. But we see that Paul was not so anxious about keeping up the close connection of a discourse, and that it was very customary with him to intermingle a variety of statements without any arrangement. Besides, it is possible that what had been formerly written in the margin of the Epistle afterwards found its way into this passage through the mistake of... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - 1 Timothy 5:1-25

I. THE CONDUCT OF TIMOTHY TOWARD ELDERLY MEN . "Reprimand not an elderly person, but exhort him as a brother." The allusion is not to an official elder of the Church, but to any elderly member of it. 1. Such persons might possibly be guilty of serious shortcomings , warranting private admonition, if not the exercise of discipline. Their conduct would have a worse effect than that of more youthful offenders. 2. Timothy must not use sharpness or severity in dealing... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - 1 Timothy 5:23

Be no longer a drinker of for drink no longer , A.V. Be... a drinker of water ( ὑδροπότει ); here only in the New Testament. It is found in some codices of the LXX . in Daniel 1:12 , and also in classical Greek. We learn from hence the interesting fact that Timothy was, in modern parlance, a total abstainer; and we also learn that, in St. Paul's judgment, total abstinence was not to be adhered to if injurious to the health. The epithet, "a little," should not be overlooked.... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - 1 Timothy 5:23

Drink no longer water - There has been much difficulty felt in regard to the connection which this advice has with what precedes and what follows. Many have considered the difficulty to be so great that they have supposed that this verse has been displaced, and that it should be introduced in some other connection. The true connection, and the reason for the introduction of the counsel here, seems to me to be this: Paul appears to have been suddenly impressed with the thought - a thought which... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - 1 Timothy 5:22-25

1 Timothy 5:22-25. Lay hands suddenly And rashly; on no man That is, appoint no man to church offices without full trial and examination: otherwise thou wilt be accessary to, and accountable for, his mis-behaviour in his office. Neither be partaker of other men’s sins As thou wilt certainly make thyself, if thou be the means of bringing those into the ministry whom thou mightest have discovered to be unfit for that office. Keep thyself pure Free from all such blameworthy practices,... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - 1 Timothy 5:17-25

Church elders and Timothy himself (5:17-25)The church members should recognize the valuable service that the elders give and should reward them generously (17-18). Any accusation of wrongdoing against elders must be supported by witnesses. If they are shown to be guilty, they should be rebuked publicly, since their position as leaders in the church makes their sin the more serious (19-20).Timothy is reminded not to show favouritism nor to act hastily in appointing people to positions of... read more

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