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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Acts 7:54-60

We have here the death of the first martyr of the Christian church, and there is in this story a lively instance of the outrage and fury of the persecutors (such as we may expect to meet with if we are called out to suffer for Christ), and of the courage and comfort of the persecuted, that are thus called out. Here is hell in its fire and darkness, and heaven in its light and brightness; and these serve as foils to set off each other. It is not here said that the votes of the council were... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Acts 7:54-60

7:54-60 As they listened to this their very hearts were torn with vexation and they gnashed their teeth at him. But he was full of the Holy Spirit and he gazed steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God's right hand. So he said, "Look now, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at God's right hand." They shouted with a great shout and held their ears and launched themselves at him in a body. They flung him outside the city and began to stone him.... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Acts 7:55

But he being full of the Holy Ghost ,.... That is, Stephen, as Beza's ancient copy, and some others express it; and so the Ethiopic version; the Syriac version reads, "full of faith, and of the Holy Ghost", as in Acts 6:5 and so some copies; being under the influences of the Spirit of God, and filled with his divine comforts, and strong in the faith of Jesus Christ, and having a holy boldness, courage, and intrepidity of mind; instead of being discouraged and dejected, of being cast down... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 7:55

Saw the glory of God - The Shekinah, the splendor or manifestation of the Divine Majesty. And Jesus standing on the right hand of God - In his official character, as Mediator between God and man. Stephen had this revelation while in the Sanhedrin; for as yet he had not been forced out of the city. See Acts 7:58 . read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Acts 7:55

Verse 55 55.Forasmuch as he was full. We cannot almost express into what straits the servant of Christ was brought, when he saw himself beset round with raging enemies; the goodness of his cause was oppressed, partly with false accusations and malice, partly with violence and outrageous outcries; he was environed with stern countenances on every side; he himself was haled unto a cruel and horrible kind of death; he could espy succor and ease no where. Therefore, being thus destitute of man’s... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Acts 7:1-60

The first martyrdom. When we look at the Lord Jesus as our Exemplar, though we are conscious that all his excellences of life and character were strictly human, and within the range of those human faculties which we possess in common with our Lord, yet are we also conscious that the transcendent perfection of his human life is what we can never reach. Our Lord's goodness was the goodness of man, and yet it is a goodness that we never can attain to. Where his feet stood firm, our feet will... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Acts 7:51-60

Illustrations. We have some of the best and one of the worst things illustrated in this passage. I. FAITHFULNESS FINDING UTTERANCE IN VEHEMENT REPROACH . ( Acts 7:51-53 .) Stirred (as we suppose) by the impatient interruptions of the senators, who at this point showed themselves unwilling to listen, Stephen rebuked them in the strong and stringent language of the text. They who imagined themselves to be "the cream of the cream," the very best specimens of the holiest... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Acts 7:54-60

The martyrdom of Stephen. I. THE RAGE OF CONVICTED CONSCIENCES . Pierced to the heart with the pain of the sense of guilt, though judges, they gnashed with their teeth upon Stephen, "like chained dogs who would bite those who would set them free. " "Contempt pierces through the shell of the tortoise, says the Indian proverb. On their high seat they were reached by the stinging words of the servant of Jesus; their obstinacy exposed, the contradiction between the part they... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Acts 7:54-60

The proto-martyr. I. An EXAMPLE . 1. Distinguished faith overcoming the world, the flesh, the wicked one. 2. Spiritual vision. Heaven opened. New world under the government of Christ. 3. Patience and love, after the example of Jesus. The influence of Christ's martyrdom on all other martyrs. The sermon on the mount exemplified. II. A new Divine SEAL upon the truth. 1. Sufferings and death in their relation to testimony. Necessity of martyrdom in a world like... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Acts 7:55

Looked up steadfastly ( ἀτενίσας ); see Acts 6:15 ; Acts 3:4 , and note. The glory of God; i.e. the visible glory which surrounds and proclaims God's near presence (see Exodus 24:10 , Exodus 24:16 , Exodus 24:17 ; Isaiah 6:1-3 ; Ezekiel 1:28 ; Revelation 21:14 , Revelation 21:23 , etc.). Jesus standing. Sitting at the right hand of God is the usual attitude ascribed to our Lord in token of his victorious rest, and waiting for the day of judgment. Here he is seen... read more

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