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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Daniel 6:11-17

Here is 1. Proof made of Daniel's praying to his God, notwithstanding the late edict to the contrary (Dan. 6:11): These men assembled; the came tumultuously together, so the word is, the same that was used Dan. 6:6; borrowed from Ps. 2:1; Why do the heathen rage? They came together to visit Daniel, perhaps under pretence of business, at that time which they knew to be his usual hour of devotion; and, if they had not found him so engaged, they would have upbraided him with his faint-heartedness... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Daniel 6:11

Then these men assembled ,.... Gathered together, and went in a body to Daniel's house; knowing his times of prayer, and where, and in what manner, he used to pray, to see if they could find him at it as aforetime; that so they might have to accuse him with it. Saadiah says, they found a girl, and asked her what Daniel was doing? she told him that Daniel was on his knees, praying to his God in his chamber; immediately they went, and found as she had said: and found Daniel praying and... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Daniel 6:11

Verse 11 Here the nobles of Darius display their fraud when they observe Daniel, and unite in a conspiracy against him: for no other object but the death of Daniel could have induced them to dictate this edict. Hence they agree together, and find Daniel uttering prayers and supplications to his God If Daniel had prayed with the slightest secrecy, he would not have been a victim to their snares; but he did not refuse the prospect of death. He knew the object of the edict, and expected the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Daniel 6:1-24

Strength of soul. "Now when Daniel knew," etc. (verse 10). Daniel stands here before us a magnificent instance of strength of soul ( Psalms 138:3 ). We have also the advantage of seeing him contrasted with a blameworthy and contemptible weakness, as well as with something worse—with weakness passing into wickedness. I. STRENGTH . As exhibited by the saint, statesman, and prophet. See it: 1 . Advancing to the throne in common life. The new organization included a hundred and... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Daniel 6:1-28

The lions' den. The story of "the lions' den" may be regarded as an instance of persecution frustrated. I. HIGH STATION OFTEN OCCASIONS SEVERE TRIALS TO RELIGIOUS FIDELITY . If it had not been for his rank and office, Daniel would have been left unmolested. There is safety in obscurity. 1 . The customs of high places are often inimical to religious fidelity. Daniel must have been tempted by fashion before he was attacked by persecution. His religious habits were... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Daniel 6:10-13

Piety in perilous circumstances. Daniel was at this time advanced in years. His principles, good at the first, had grown in strength and mutual support. At his age ha was not to be surprised by alarm nor driven into rashness. His character had been moulded into heavenly shape under the rough handling of oppression and persecution, and now every fibre of his moral nature had toughness and tenacity. He was manly because he was eminently devout. I. TRUE PIETY FINDS ITS CHIEF ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Daniel 6:11

Then these men assembled, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God . The Septuagint reading is very different, "And they watched Daniel, and found him praying three times a day every day." It is difficult to decide which is the preferable reading, and almost as difficult to deduce the one reading from the other. Thcodotion has a reading akin to that of the Septuagint, "Then those men watched, and found Daniel praying, and. making entreaty to his God." This is akin to... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Daniel 6:11

Then these men assembled ... - Evidently with a design of finding him at his devotions. read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Daniel 6:11-12

Daniel 6:11-12. Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying Their design being laid, they watched narrowly, and found, as they expected, Daniel upon his knees, making supplication, not to Darius, but to Jehovah, in flat opposition to the law signed by the king, and not to be violated without suffering its penalty. Then they came near, and spake before the king Having now got what they wanted, an unanswerable plea against Daniel, they came with open mouth, and urged that the king’s... read more

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