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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Exodus 16:32-36

God having provided manna to be his people's food in the wilderness, and to be to them a continual feast, we are here told, 1. How the memory of it was preserved. An omer of this manna was laid up in a golden pot, as we are told (Heb. 9:4), and kept before the testimony, or the ark, when it was afterwards made, Exod. 16:32-34. The preservation of this manna from waste and corruption was a standing miracle, and therefore the more proper memorial of this miraculous food. ?Posterity shall see the... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Exodus 16:33

And Moses said unto Aaron, take a pot ,.... The Targum of Jonathan calls it an earthen pot; and so Jarchi; which, if it could be supported, might be considered as an emblem of the ministers of the word, in whom, as in earthen vessels, the Gospel of Christ is put: Aben Ezra says, it was a vessel either of earth or brass, which latter is more likely for duration; since an earthen vessel can hardly be supposed to continue so long as this did, and much less a glass pot, as others take it to be:... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:1-36

The manna of the body-A homily on providence. "They said one to another, what is this? (marg.) for they wist not what it was" ( Exodus 16:15 ). Introduction:—Trace the journey from Elim to the sea ( Numbers 33:10 ); and thence to the wilderness of Sin; and give a thoroughly good exegetical exposition of the facts of the manna story. It would be well also to show the supernatural character of the manna; and, at the same time, that the manna supernatural was not unlike (and yet unlike... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:1-36

Manna for the soul; a homily on grace. " I am the living bread … he shall live for ever." John 6:51 . Having given the manna story, discussed the miracle, and given the lessons bearing on our providential path, we now go up to the higher level, and listen to the truths taught in relation to the kingdom of God's grace. These gather round the central truth—that the Lord Jesus Christ is the nutriment of the soul. For that truth we have his own supreme authority. [See the full discourse... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:16-36

The manna-regulations for type gathering and using of it. I. THE EFFECTIVE DISTRIBUTION OF IT IS PROVIDED FOR . The responsibilities and opportunities of the family relation, which had been touched upon in the institution of the Passover, are here touched upon again. Each head of a household had to see that the daily supply was gathered for his family. Thus God shows that he is not only attentive for that great nation which now, as a whole, is so clearly dependent on his... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:19-36

The law of the manna. I. THERE MUST BE INDIVIDUAL EFFORT FOR INDIVIDUAL NEED . 1 . The manna lay around their tents, but it had to be gathered. To feed on Christ each must lay hold of him for his own soul by meditation and prayer and trust. 2 . If we do not "taste and see that the Lord is gracious," his nearness to us will only deepen our condemnation. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? II. CHRIST MUST BE LAID HOLD OF DAILY ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:31-36

1 . On its appearance; 2 . On its deposition by divine command in the Ark of the Covenant; and 3 . On its continuance during the forty years of the wanderings. It is evident that Exodus 16:32-34 cannot have been written until after the sojourn in Sinai, and the command to make a tabernacle ( Exodus 26:1-37 .): as also that Exodus 16:35 cannot have been written till the arrival of the Israelites at the verge of the land of Canaan. But there is nothing in the passage that... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:32-34

Memorials of mercies. It is indicative of the weakness and imperfection of human nature, that memorials of mercies should be needed. But frail humanity cannot do without them; and God in his goodness, knowing this, sanctions them. As he had the rod of Aaron, which budded ( Numbers 17:10 ), and the pot of manna, made permanent portions of the furniture of the tabernacle for memorials, so he had memorial days established, Sabbath, and Passover, and Pentecost, and memorial seasons, as the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:32-34

The pot of manna. Aaron was ordered to take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the Lord, to be kept for future generations. The pot of manna is alluded to in Hebrews, where it is described as "golden," and as laid up in the ark ( Hebrews 9:4 ). It may be questioned how so corruptible a substance admitted of preservation. But it is not so plain that the manna had in itself any tendency to corrupt, so that the miracle is perhaps to be looked for, not in the... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Exodus 16:33

Take a pot . The word here translated "pot" does not occur elsewhere in Scripture, and is believed to be of Egyptian origin Gesenius translates it "basket;" but the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews 9:4 follows the LXX . in representing the word used by στάμνος , which certainly means "a jar" or "pot." Lay it up before the Lord . The "pot of manna" was laid up before the Lord with the "tables of the covenant,'' and "Aaron's rod that budded" as symbolical that God's mercy was as... read more

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