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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Genesis 10:21-32

Two things especially are observable in this account of the posterity of Shem:? I. The description of Shem, v. 21. We have not only his name, Shem, which signifies a name, but two titles to distinguish him by:? 1. He was the father of all the children of Eber. Eber was his great grandson; but why should he be called the father of all his children, rather than of all Arphaxad?s, or Salah?s, etc.? Probably because Abraham and his seed, God's covenant-people, not only descended from Heber, but... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Genesis 10:30

And their dwelling was from Mesha, as thou goest unto Zephar, a mount of the east. Mesha, which is thought to be the Muza of Ptolemy and Pliny, was a famous port in the Red sea, frequented by the merchants of Egypt and Ethiopia, from which the Sappharites lay directly eastward; to whose country they used to go for myrrh and frankincense, and the like, of which Saphar was the metropolis, and which was at the foot of Climax, a range of mountains, which perhaps might be formerly called Saphar,... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Genesis 10:26-30

Joktan - He had thirteen sons who had their dwelling from Mesha unto Sephar, a mount of the east, which places Calmet supposes to be mount Masius, on the west in Mesopotamia, and the mountains of the Saphirs on the east in Armenia, or of the Tapyrs farther on in Media. In confirmation that all men have been derived from one family, let it be observed that there are many customs and usages, both sacred and civil, which have prevailed in all parts of the world; and that these could owe their... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Genesis 10:1-32

PART II . THE POST - DILUVIAN AGE OF THE WORLD . CH . 10:1-11:26. FROM THE DELUGE TO THE CALL OF ABRAM . § 5. THE GENERATIONS or THE SONS OF NOAH ( CH . 10:1-11:9). I. THE historical credibility of the present section has been challenged. 1. On account of a fancied resemblance to the ethnographic mythologies of Greece, the genealogical table of the nations has been relegated to the category of fictitious invention. It has been assigned by... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Genesis 10:26-30

And Joktan begat Almodad . Usually said to be Yemen. And Sheleph . The Salapenoi of Ptolemy, belonging to the interior of Arabia. And Hazarmaveth . Hadramaut, southeast of Arabia (Bochart, Michaelis). And Jerah . Contiguous to Hadramaut. And Hadoram . Adramitae of Ptolemy, or the Atramitae of Pliny (Bochart) And Uzal . Awzal, the capital of Yemen (Bochart). And Diklah . The palm-bearing region of Arabia Felix (Bochart); a tribe between the mouth of the Tiber and the Persian Gulf... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Genesis 10:21-32

- XXXIII. Shem21. אבר 'eber, “‘Eber, yonder side; verb: pass, cross.”22. עילם 'eylām, “‘Elam.” עוּל ‛ûl, “suckle.” עלם ‛ālam, “hide; be mature.” ארפכשׁד 'arpakshad, “Arpakshad.” כשׂד ארף 'arp keśed, “boundary of Kesed, or (von-Bohlen) Arjapakshata, beside Aria.” ארם 'ǎrām, “Aram, high; verb: be high.”23. עוּץ ‛ûts, “‘Uts; verb: counsel; be firm, solid.” חוּל chûl, “Chul; verb: rub, twist, writhe, be strong, await.” גתר geter, “Gether, bridge?” משׁ meshek, “Mash; related: feel,... read more

Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Genesis 10:1-32

10:1-11:26 GENEALOGIES FROM NOAH TO ABRAMNations descended from Noah (10:1-32)This genealogy must have been written hundreds of years after the time of Noah, when his descendants had multiplied and moved to many places. By that time differences in language, race and culture were noticeable. The purpose of the listing here is to trace the origin of these groups, not to name every single descendant of Noah.Again the genealogy is simplified, being based on a selection of seventy descendants. Most... read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Genesis 10:29-32

"Ophir ..." This was a famous name among the Jews, for it was to Ophir that Solomon's great triennial navy traveled to bring gold for the decoration of the temple. Strangely enough, we cannot tell exactly where it was located. Whitelaw located it "probably at Oman on the coast of Arabia,"[17] and Josephus, Delitzsch, and others have thought it must be identified with some coastal city in India. It is not really known.CONCLUSIONThe human family must not ignore this chapter. It teaches the... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Genesis 10:1-32

The Nations descended from NoahThis section gives the origins and situations of the nations of the world, as their relationships were conceived by the early Hebrews. Before passing to the history of the chosen race, the author traces the ties by which the rest of mankind are united with his own people, and shows the position of Israel among the nations. Each nation is regarded as a unity, and is summed up in the person of its supposed ancestor. The nations being treated as individuals, it... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Genesis 10:26-31

(26-31) Joktan.—“The little one,” as being a younger son. Of the thirteen divisions of his family, few are of any importance, though several of the names are curious from their connection with the Arabic language. The Joktanite country was Arabia Felix, or Yemen, and as the people led a pastoral life without founding cities, the traces of their tribal names are insignificant. Those worth noting are Almodad, because it has the full form of the article, retained as Al in Arabic, but shortened in... read more

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