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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Hebrews 12:1-3

Here observe what is the great duty which the apostle urges upon the Hebrews, and which he so much desires they would comply with, and that is, to lay aside every weight, and the sin that did so easily beset them, and run with patience the race set before them. The duty consists of two parts, the one preparatory, the other perfective. I. Preparatory: Lay aside every weight, and the sin, etc. 1. Every weight, that is, all inordinate affection and concern for the body, and the present life and... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Hebrews 12:1-2

12:1-2 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses enveloping us, let us strip off every weight and let us rid ourselves of the sin which so persistently surrounds us, and let us run with steadfast endurance the course that is marked out for us and, as we do so, let us keep our gaze fixed on Jesus who, in order to win the joy that was set before him, steadfastly endured the Cross, thinking nothing of its shame, and has now taken his seat at the right hand or the throne of God. ... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Hebrews 12:3-4

12:3-4 Consider him who steadfastly endured such opposition at the hands of sinners, and compare your lives with his, so that you may not faint and grow weary in your souls. You have not yet had to resist to the point of blood in your struggle against sin. The writer to the Hebrews uses two very vivid words when he speaks of fainting and growing weary. They are the words which Aristotle uses of an athlete who flings himself on the ground in collapse after he has surged past the winning... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about ,...., As the Israelites were encompassed with the pillar of cloud, or with the clouds of glory in the wilderness, as the Jews say; See Gill on 1 Corinthians 10:1 , to which there may be an allusion, here, since it follows, with so great a cloud of witnesses ; or "martyrs", as the Old Testament saints, the instances of whose faith and patience are produced in the preceding chapter: these, some of them, were martyrs in the sense in which... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith ,.... Not with bodily eyes, for at present he is not to be looked upon in this manner, but with the eye of the understanding, or with the eye of faith; for faith is a seeing of the Son; it is a spiritual sight of Christ, which is at first but glimmering, afterwards it increases, and is of a soul humbling nature; it is marvellous and surprising; it transforms into the image of Christ, and fills with joy unspeakable, and full of glory: a... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Hebrews 12:3

For consider him ,.... In the greatness of his person, as God, the Son of God, the heir of all things; and in his offices of prophet, priest, and King, as the Saviour of lost sinners, the Leader and Commander of the people, as the apostle and high priest of our profession: consider him in his human nature, his conversation on earth, and what he did and suffered for men; how that in his nature he was pure and holy, in his conversation harmless and innocent, in his deportment meek and lowly;... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Hebrews 12:1

Wherefore - This is an inference drawn from the examples produced in the preceding chapter, and on this account both should be read in connection. Compassed about - Here is another allusion to the Olympic games: the agonistae, or contenders, were often greatly animated by the consideration that the eyes of the principal men of their country were fixed upon them; and by this they were induced to make the most extraordinary exertions. Cloud of witnesses - Νεφος μαρτυρων . Both the... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus - Αφορωντες· Looking off and on, or from and to; looking off or from the world and all secular concerns to Jesus and all the spiritual and heavenly things connected with him. This is still an allusion to the Grecian games: those who ran were to keep their eyes fixed on the mark of the prize; they must keep the goal in view. The exhortation implies, That they should place all their hope and confidence in Christ, as their sole helper in this race of faith. That they... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Hebrews 12:3

For consider him - Αναλογισασθε - ἱνα μη καμητε, ταις ψυχαις - εκλυμενοι· Attentively observe and analyze every part of his conduct, enter into his spirit, examine his motives and object, and remember that, as he acted, ye are called to act; he will furnish you with the same Spirit, and will support you with the same strength. He bore a continual opposition of sinners against himself; but he conquered by meekness, patience, and perseverance: he has left you an example that ye should... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Hebrews 12:1

Verse 1 1.Wherefore, seeing we also, etc. This conclusion is, as it were, an epilogue to the former chapter, by which he shows the end for which he gave a catalogue of the saints who excelled in faith under the Law, even that every one should be prepared to imitate them; and he calls a large multitude metaphorically a cloud, for he sets what is dense in opposition to what is thinly scattered. (242) Had they been a few in number, yet they ought to have roused us by their example; but as they... read more

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