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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Hebrews 9:23-29

In this last part of the chapter, the apostle goes on to tell us what the Holy Ghost has signified to us by the legal purifications of the patterns of the things in heaven, inferring thence the necessity of better sacrifices to consecrate the heavenly things themselves. I. The necessity of purifying the patterns of the things in heaven, Heb. 9:23. This necessity arises both from the divine appointment, which must always be obeyed, and from the reason of that appointment, which was to preserve... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Hebrews 9:23-28

9:23-28 So, then, if it was necessary that the things which are copies of the heavenly realities should be cleansed by processes like these, it is necessary that the heavenly realities themselves should be cleansed by finer sacrifices than those of which we have been thinking. It is not into a man-made sanctuary that Christ has entered--that would be a mere symbol of the things which are real. It is into heaven itself that he entered, now to appear on our behalf before the presence of God. It... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Hebrews 9:28

So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many ,.... As man dies but once, Christ was offered but once, or he suffered and died but once; and that was not on his own account, or for his own sins, "but to bear the sins of many": not of angels but of men, and these not a few, but "many"; which is said to magnify the grace of God, to exalt the satisfaction and righteousness of Christ, and to encourage souls to hope in him: hence many are brought to believe in him, and many are justified by... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Hebrews 9:28

So Christ was once offered - He shall die no more; he has borne away the sins of many, and what he has done once shall stand good for ever. Yet he will appear a second time without sin, χωρις ἁμαρτιας , without a sin-offering; That he has already made. Unto salvation - To deliver the bodies of believers from the empire of death, to reunite them to their purified souls, and bring both into his eternal glory. This is salvation, and the very highest of which the human being is capable.... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Hebrews 9:28

Verse 28 28.The second time without sin, etc. The Apostle urges this one thing, — that we ought not to be disquieted by vain and impure longings for new kinds of expiations, for the death of Christ is abundantly sufficient for us. Hence he says, that he once appeared and made a sacrifice to abolish sins, and that at his second coming he will make openly manifest the efficacy of his death, so that sin will have no more power to hurt us. (160) To bear, or, take away sins, is to free from guilt... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Hebrews 9:23-28

Perfection of Christ's atonement. In these verses the writer contrasts the incompleteness of the Mosaic sacrifices with the finality which attaches to the sacrificial work of the Lord Jesus. I. THREE GREAT CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES . These rest respectively upon three facts, viz. the death and the ascension of Christ, which are matters of history; and the second advent, which is still future. 1. Christ died as a Sacrifice for sin. ( Hebrews 9:28 ) His death was a stupendous... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Hebrews 9:27-28

And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this judgment: so the Christ also, once offered to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time, without sin, to them that look for him, unto salvation. The Divine ordinance concerning mankind in general has its analogy in the truth concerning Christ, who was made like unto us in all things, and who represents humanity. As human life, with all its works, comes to an end in death, and only judgment fellows, so Christ's death... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Hebrews 9:27-28

The two deaths, and the two appearings after death. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die," etc. The writer is still treating of the completeness of the sacrifice of our Savior. That sacrifice was offered once for all. Being perfect, it needed no repetition. And now he shows that its repetition was impossible. Notice— I. THE TWO DEATHS . The death of man, and the death of the Christ. They are mentioned together here to bring out the fact that Christ's offering of himself... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Hebrews 9:28

The difference between Christ's first and second advent. I. THE FIRST ADVENT . Here Christ shares the common lot of men; he dies, and dies once for all. There is no dying and rising and dying again. He is offered as a Sacrifice once for all, to bear the sins of many. And here, of course, the death of Christ must be taken as representing the whole of his life in the flesh. His life in every hour and every faculty was vicarious. He was ever striving to show that he could neutralize... read more

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