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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Job 33:8-13

In these verses, I. Elihu particularly charges Job with some indecent expressions that had dropped from him, reflecting upon the justice and goodness of God in his dealings with him. He does not ground the charge upon report, but was himself an ear-witness of what he here reproves him for (Job 33:8): ?Thou hast spoken it in my hearing, and in the hearing of all this company.? He had it not at second hand; if so, he would have hoped it was not so bad as it was represented. He did not hear it... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Job 33:12

Behold, in this thou art not just ,.... Here begins Elihu's answer, who does not deny that Job was a just man, both before God in an evangelic sense, and before men in a moral sense; he did not go about to detract from Job's general character, as a man that lived soberly, righteously, and godly in the world; but in this he was not just, nor is it to be justified, with respect to this thing, he could not acquit him of doing what was wrong; namely, insisting so much on his own innocence, and... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Job 33:12

In this thou art not just - Thou hast laid charges against God's dealings, but thou hast not been able to justify those charges; and were there nothing else against thee, these irreverent speeches are so many proofs that thou art not clear in the sight of God. read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Job 33:1-13

Elihu's first address to Job: 1. An exposure of Job's sin. I. ELIHU BESPEAKS JOB 'S ATTENTION . This he does on four distinct grounds. 1 . That what he was about to say had been deliberately , thoroughly , and impartially weighed. (Verse 2.) He was not about to open his mouth at random or under any feeling of excitement, but after having tasted every word, as it were, in his palate—a metaphor suggestive of the wise discrimination with which both his thoughts had been... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Job 33:1-33

In this chapter Elihu, turning away from the "comforters," proceeds to address Job himself, offering to reason out the matter in dispute with him, in God's stead. After a brief exordium (verses 1-7), he takes exception which (he says) are unjust. He next brings forward his theory of God-inflicted sufferings being, in the main, chastisements proceeding from a loving purpose, intended to purify, to strengthen, to purge out faults, to "save from the pit," to improve, and to enlighten... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Job 33:8-12

His exordium over, Elihu proceeds to point out what he blames in Job's discourses, and at present notices two departures from truth and right only. Job, he says, asserts his absolute innocence (verse 9); he also maintains that God deals with him harshly, as an enemy (verses 10, 11). Neither assertion is justifiable. read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Job 33:8-33

Elihu's first discourse: the guilt of man in the sight of God. I. JOB 'S CONFIDENCE IN HAS INNOCENTS CENSURED . ( Job 33:8-11 .) Elihu gathers up in brief some of those sayings of Job which had shocked his ear and scandalized his spiritual conscience. Job had asserted his own purity, and had accused God of enmity against his person (compare Job's words, Job 9:21 ; Job 10:7 ; Job 16:17 ; Job 23:10 ; Job 27:5 , Job 27:6 ; Job 10:13 , seq.; Job 19:11 ; Job 30:21 ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Job 33:12

Behold, in this thou art not just . It would certainly not have been a just charge to make against God, that he counted Job as an enemy; and, so far as Job's statements go, it must be admitted that he had laid himself open to Elihu's rebuke. But it is no logical "answer" to Job's charge to say, in reply to it, I will answer thee, that God is greater than man . Might does not constitute right, and it is a poor way of justifying God to urge that he is all-powerful, and may do what he... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Job 33:12

Behold, in this thou art not just - In this view of God, and in these reflections on his character and government. Such language in regard to the Deity cannot be vindicated; such views cannot be right. It cannot be that he wishes to be the foe of man; that he watches with a jealous eye every movement with a view to find something that will justify him in bringing heavy calamities upon his creatures, or that he sets himself as a spy upon the way in which man goes, in order to find out something... read more

Joseph Benson

Joseph Benson's Commentary of the Old and New Testaments - Job 33:12

Job 33:12. Behold, in this Hebrew, הן זאת , hen zoth, Behold this; that is, attend to this; mark what I say to thee; thou art not just Or justified. This thy complaining language cannot be excused. Though I do not accuse thee, as thy friends have done, of other sins, yet in this thou art blameable, and I must reprehend thee for it, by reminding thee, that God is greater than man Not only in majesty and power, which thou acknowledgest, but also in justice, wisdom, and goodness; and,... read more

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