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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - John 2:1-11

We have here the story of Christ's miraculous conversion of water into wine at a marriage in Cana of Galilee. There were some few so well disposed as to believe in Christ, and to follow him, when he did no miracle; yet it was not likely that many should be wrought upon till he had something wherewith to answer those that asked, What sign showest thou? He could have wrought miracles before, could have made them the common actions of his life and the common entertainments of his friends; but,... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - John 2:12-22

Here we have, I. The short visit Christ made to Capernaum, John 2:12. It was a large and populous city, about a day's journey from Cana; it is called his own city (Matt. 9:1), because he made it his head-quarters in Galilee, and what little rest he had was there. It was a place of concourse, and therefore Christ chose it, that the fame of his doctrine and miracles might thence spread the further. Observe, 1. The company that attended him thither: his mother, his brethren, and his disciples.... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - John 2:1-11

2:1-11 Two days after this there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee; and Jesus' mother was there. And Jesus was invited to the wedding and so were his disciples. When the wine had run short, Jesus' mother said to him: "They have no wine." Jesus said to her: "Lady, let me handle this in my own way. My hour has not yet come." His mother said to the servants: "Do whatever he tens you to do." There were six stone waterpots standing there--they were needed for the Jewish purifying customs--and each... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - John 2:1-11

We note three general things about this wonderful deed which Jesus did. (i) We note when it happened. It happened at a wedding feast. Jesus was perfectly at home at such an occasion. He was no severe, austere killjoy. He loved to share in the happy rejoicing of a wedding feast. There are certain religious people who shed a gloom wherever they go. They are suspicious of all joy and happiness. To them religion is a thing of black clothes, the lowered voice, the expulsion of social... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - John 2:1-11

Now we must think of the deep and permanent truth which John is seeking to teach when he tells this story. We must remember that John was writing out of a double background. He was a Jew and he was writing for Jews; but his great object was to write the story of Jesus in such a way that it would come home also to the Greeks. Let us look at it first of all from the Jewish point of view. We must always remember that beneath John's simple stories there is a deeper meaning which is open only... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - John 2:12-16

2:12-16 After this Jesus went down to Capernaum with his mother and his brothers and his disciples; and they stayed there for a short time. The Passover Feast of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the Temple he found those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money-changers sitting at their tables. He made a scourge of cords and drove them all out of the Temple, and the sheep and the oxen as well. He scattered the coins of the exchangers and overturned... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - John 2:12-16

Now let us see why Jesus acted as he did. His anger is a terrifying thing; the picture of Jesus with the whip is an awe-inspiring sight. We must see what moved Jesus to this white-hot anger in the Temple Courts. The passover was the greatest of all the Jewish feasts. As we have already seen, the law laid it down that every adult male Jew who lived within fifteen miles of Jerusalem was bound to attend it. But it was not only the Jews in Palestine who came to the Passover. By this time Jews... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - John 2:12-16

We have seen that it was the exploitation of the pilgrims by conscienceless men which moved Jesus to immediate wrath; but there were deep things behind the cleansing of the Temple. Let us see if we can penetrate to the even deeper reasons why Jesus took this drastic step. No two of the evangelists give Jesus' words in precisely the same way. They all remembered their own version. It is only by putting all the accounts together that we get a true picture of what Jesus said. So then let us set... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - John 2:1

And the third day there was a marriage ,.... Either from the second testimony bore by John the Baptist concerning Christ, and from the call of Simon Peter, which seem to be of the same date; see John 1:35 , or from Christ's coming into Galilee; or from the conversation he had with Nathanael; from either of which the date is taken, it matters not; the first is as agreeable and plain, as any. There is much dispute, and many rules with the Jews about the times, and days of marriage: "a... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - John 2:2

And both Jesus was called ,.... Or invited, as being a relation, according to the flesh: and his disciples, to the marriage ; who were bidden, on his account; and they seem to be these, Andrew, and the other disciple, that followed Jesus, and Simon Peter, and Philip, and Nathanael, who was of this place; and accordingly they all went to it. Christ, and his five disciples, made six of the ten, which were always necessary to be present at, the benediction of bridegrooms: for so runs the... read more

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