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Donald C. Fleming

Bridgeway Bible Commentary - Luke 4:14-15

EARLY WORK IN GALILEE24. Changing situations (Matthew 4:12-17; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 3:18-20; Luke 4:14-15; John 4:43-45)Somewhere about this time John the Baptist was imprisoned. (Concerning his imprisonment see notes on Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29; Luke 9:7-9.) Jesus meanwhile continued north into Galilee, where the people’s enthusiastic welcome was in sharp contrast to the suspicion of the people in Judea (Matthew 4:12-16; John 4:43-45). He pointed out, however, that the kingdom he announced... read more

E.W. Bullinger

E.W. Bullinger's Companion Bible Notes - Luke 4:14

power . Greek. dunamis. App-172 . there went out a fame, &c. In Luke (as in the other Gospels) only those events are selected which tend to illustrate the special presentation of the Lord and His ministry. Compare the commencing events of each: Matthew 4:13 .Mark 1:14 .Mark 4:14-30 , and John 1:19-43 . For this fourfold ministry, see App-119 . Thus this first period commences and its subject, as stated more precisely in verses: Luke 4:43 , Luke 4:44 . fame = report. Greek. pheme. Not... read more

James Burton Coffman

Coffman Commentaries on the Bible - Luke 4:14

And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and a fame went out concerning him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all.And a fame went out concerning him ... These verses are the Lukan summary of the fame that came to Jesus at the beginning of his ministry. It is not related how many synagogues he visited, or how many towns and villages received him. A typically Lukan summary, this passage sets the stage for a more detailed... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 4:14-15

1. An introduction to Jesus’ Galilean ministry 4:14-15 (cf. Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:14-15)Luke again drew his readers’ attention to the fact that Jesus was under the control of the Holy Spirit as He began His public ministry (cf. Luke 1:35; Luke 3:22; Luke 4:1). The Spirit empowered and enabled Jesus in His words and deeds. Luke would stress His teaching ministry. Luke attributed Jesus’ success to His orientation to the Spirit, not His essential deity. Consequently He was a model that all... read more

Thomas Constable

Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable - Luke 4:14-50

IV. JESUS’ MINISTRY IN AND AROUND GALILEE 4:14-9:50Luke commenced his account of Jesus’ public ministry with His return to Galilee following His temptation. This section of his Gospel ends with Jesus’ decision to leave Galilee for Jerusalem and the Cross (Luke 9:51). Luke did not give as much information about Jesus’ Galilean ministry as the other synoptic writers did (cf. Matthew 4:12 to Matthew 16:12; Mark 1:14 to Mark 8:26). He chose, rather, to emphasize Jesus’ ministry as He traveled from... read more

John Dummelow

John Dummelow's Commentary on the Bible - Luke 4:1-44

The Temptation. Nazareth. Capernaum1-13. The Temptation (Matthew 4:1; Mark 1:12). See on Mt.5. Lk inverts 2nd and 3rd Temptations.13. For a season] ’These words signify “until a favourable time.” The conflict foretold so precisely, can be none other than that of Gethsemane. “This is your hour and the power of darkness,” said Jesus at this very time (Luke 22:53), and a few moments before He had said, “The prince of this world cometh” (John 14:30)’ (Godet).14, 15. Return to Galilee. Beginning of... read more

Charles John Ellicott

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers - Luke 4:14

(14) Returned in the power of the Spirit.—The phrase, which meets us again in Romans 15:13, indicates a new phase of the life of the Son of Man, a change from its former tenor as striking as that which passed over the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, when new powers of thought and utterance were developed which had before been latent. read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Dictionary of Texts - Luke 4:1-44

Luke 4:4 The Greeks... knew that man does not live by bread alone, that livelihood is not life, that mere wealth is not well-being. The satisfaction of material wants is not the end of human endeavour. The wealth of nations, like the happiness of individuals, has its source deeper than in the accumulation of riches or the expansion of commerce. The true value of the goods of life is determined by the sense of life as a whole, and by their relation to the higher and distinctively human ends of... read more

William Nicoll

Expositor's Bible Commentary - Luke 4:14-29

Chapter 8THE GOSPEL OF THE JUBILEE.IMMEDIATELY after the Temptation Jesus returned "in the power of the Spirit," and with all the added strength of His recent victories, to Galilee. Into what parts of Galilee He came, our Evangelist does not say; but omitting the visit to Cana, and dismissing the first Galilean tour with a sentence-how "He taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all"-St. Luke goes on to record in detail the visit of Jesus to Nazareth, and His rejection by His townsmen.... read more

Arno Clemens Gaebelein

Arno Gaebelein's Annotated Bible - Luke 4:14-44

III. The Ministry in Galilee -- Chapter 4:14-9:50 CHAPTER 4:14-44 1. In the Synagogue of Nazareth (Luke 4:14-21 ) 2. Unbelief and Rejection of Christ. (Luke 4:22-32 ) 3. A Demon Cast Out in Capernaum (Luke 4:33-37 ) 4. Peter’s Wife’s Mother Healed; Many Healed. (Luke 4:38-44 .) Luke 4:14-21 And now the description of the ministry of the Son of Man begins. The beginning is in His own city. How all written here is again in a very human manner. He had been brought up in that city and as His... read more

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