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Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:16

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves - He who is called to preach the Gospel is called to embrace a state of constant labor, and frequent suffering. He who gets ease and pleasure, in consequence of embracing the ministerial office, neither preaches the Gospel, nor is sent of God. If he did the work of an evangelist, wicked men and demons would both oppose him. Wise ( φρονιμοι prudent) as serpents, and harmless as doves - This is a proverbial saying: so in Shir... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:17

But beware of men - Or, be on your guard against men, των ανθρωπων These men; i.e. your countrymen; those from whom you might have reasonably expected comfort and support; and especially those in power, who will abuse that power to oppress you. Councils - Συνεδρια , sanhedrins and synagogues. See on Matthew 5:22 ; (note). "By synagogues we may understand here, not the places of public worship, but assemblies where three magistrates, chosen out of the principal members of the... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:18

Ye shall be brought before governors, etc. - " This affords a striking proof of the prescience of Christ. Who could have thought, at that time, that these despised and illiterate men could excite so much attention, and be called upon to apologize for the profession of their faith before the tribunals of the most illustrious personages of the earth?" Wakefield. By governors and kings we may understand, the Roman proconsuls, governors of provinces, and the kings who were tributary to the... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:19

Take no thought how or what ye shall speak - Μη μεριμνησετε - Be not anxiously careful, because such anxiety argues distrust in God, and infallibly produces a confused mind. In such a state, no person is fit to proclaim or vindicate the truth. This promise, It shall be given you, etc., banishes all distrust and inquietude on dangerous occasions; but without encouraging sloth and negligence, and without dispensing with the obligation we are under to prepare ourselves by the meditation of... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:20

For it is - the Spirit of your Father, etc. - This was an extraordinary promise, and was literally fulfilled to those first preachers of the Gospel; and to them it was essentially necessary, because the New Testament dispensation was to be fully opened by their extraordinary inspiration. In a certain measure, it may be truly said, that the Holy Spirit animates the true disciples of Christ, and enables them to speak. The Head speaks in his members, by his Spirit; and it is the province of the... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:21

And the brother shall deliver up the brother, etc. - What an astonishing enmity is there in the soul of man against God and goodness! That men should think they did God service, in putting to death those who differ from them in their political or religious creed, is a thing that cannot be accounted for but on the principle of an indescribable depravity. O shame to men! devil with devil damn'd Firm concord holds, men only disagree Of creatures rational; though under hope Of heavenly... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:22

Ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake - Because ye are attached to me, and saved from the corruption that is in the world; therefore the world will hate you. "The laws of Christ condemn a vicious world, and gall it to revenge." He that endureth to the end shall be saved - He who holds fast faith and a good conscience to the end, till the punishment threatened against this wicked people be poured out, he shall be saved, preserved from the destruction that shall fall upon the... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:16

Verse 16 The injunctions which Matthew has hitherto related had no farther reference than to that former expedition or commission, which was to be terminated in a few days. But now Christ proceeds farther, and prepares them for a future period, by informing them, that they were not merely chosen for that brief exercise of preaching, but that an office of greater difficulty and of far higher importance awaited them. Though they were not immediately brought into those contests of which Christ... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:17

Verse 17 17.But beware of men Erasmus has inserted the word these, (beware of these men,) supposing that the article has the force of a demonstrative pronoun. (584) But in my opinion it is better to view it as indefinite, and as conveying a declaration of Christ, that caution ought to be exercised in dealing with men, among whom every thing is full of snares and injuries. But he appears to contradict himself: for the best way of exercising caution would have been to remain at home, and not to... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 10:19

Verse 19 19.Be not anxious (585) A consolation is added: for in vain would Christ have given a hundred exhortations to the disciples, if he had not, at the same time, promised that God would be with them, and that through his power they would assuredly be victorious. Hence we infer, that Christ is very far from intending, by announcing those dangers, to abate the fervor of that zeal with which it would be necessary for the disciples to burn if they wished to discharge their duty in a proper... read more

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