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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Matthew 27:11-25

We have here an account of what passed in Pilate's judgment?hall, when the blessed Jesus was brought thither betimes in the morning. Though it was no court?day, Pilate immediately took his case before him. We have there, I. The trial Christ had before Pilate. 1. His arraignment; Jesus stood before the governor, as the prisoner before the judge. We could not stand before God because of our sins, nor lift up our face in his presence, if Christ had not been thus made sin for us. He was arraigned... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:11

And Jesus stood before the governor ,.... Pilate who sat; for so was the custom for the judge to sit, and those that were judged, to stand, especially whilst witness was bore against them F6 T. Hieros. Yoma, fol. 43. 2, 3. . "Says R. Bo, in the name of Rab Hona, the witnesses ought to stand whilst they bear witness. Says R. Jeremiah, in the name of R. Abhu, also הנידונין צריכן להיות עומדין , "those that are judged ought to stand", whilst they receive their witness.' And... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 27:11

Before the governor - My old MS. English Bible translates ηγημων Meyr cheef justyse, Presedent . Art thou the King of the Jews? - The Jews had undoubtedly delivered him to Pilate as one who was rising up against the imperial authority, and assuming the regal office. See on Matthew 27:2 ; (note). read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 27:11

Verse 11 Matthew 27:11.Now Jesus stood before the governor. Though it was a shocking exhibition, and highly incompatible with the majesty of the Son of God, to be dragged before the judgment-seat of a profane man, to be tried on the charge of a capital offense, as a malefactor in chains; yet we ought to remember that; our salvation consists in the doctrine of the cross, which is folly to the Greeks, and an offense to the Jews, (1 Corinthians 1:23.) For the Son of God chose to stand bound... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:1-14

Christ before Pilate. No. 1. Caiaphas had a purpose to serve by giving Jesus up to the Romans. Little did he know that while he thought he was making a tool of every one, he was merely God's tool for accomplishing his purposes. The harmony of the purpose of God, the scheme of Caiaphas, the law of Rome, and the relation of the Jewish court to the Roman procurator, explains fully how, when the Sanhedrin took counsel against Jesus to put him to death, the result was that they resolved to... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:11

Jesus stood before the governor. St. Matthew omits here many details which the other evangelists, and especially St. John, supply. Pilate from the first had shown much reluctance to proceed, not being satisfied with the vague accusation that Jesus was a malefactor, and proposing that the Sanhedrists should try him according to Jewish Law, as if the question was merely a religious one. This treatment forced the priests to formulate a charge of which the roman authorities must take cognizance.... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:11-14

Jesus examined by Pilate. ( Mark 15:2-5 ; Luke 23:2-5 ; John 18:29-38 .) read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:11-25

Christ before Pilate. I. THE ACCUSATION . 1 . Pilate ' s question. Pilate was proud and cruel; he despised and hated the Jews. But he had something of the old Roman love of justice—he would not condemn the Lord unheard, as the Jews at first desired ( John 18:30 , John 18:31 ). He rejected their request contemptuously, "Take ye him, and judge him according to your Law." They kept back at first the charge of blasphemy, which they knew Pilate would dismiss at once, as Gallio... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:11-31

The actors in a momentous tragedy. The scene is laid in Jerusalem, in the palace of the Roman governor. The occasion is the trial of the Lord Jesus for his life. The whole human race and all the ages are interested. Behold— I. THE PRISONER AT THE BAR . 1 . " Now Jesus stood before the governor. " 2 . Listen to his confession. 3 . Mark his silence . II. THE WITNESSES IN COURT . 1 . The leaders were the rulers of the Jews . (a) In their... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Matthew 27:11

And Jesus stood before the governor - Many things are omitted by Matthew, in the account of this trial, which are recorded by the other evangelists. A much more full account is found in John 18:28-40.And the governor asked him ... - This question was asked On account of the “charge” which the Jews brought against Jesus, “of perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar,” Luke 23:2. It was on this charge that, after consultation, they had agreed to arraign him before Pilate.... read more

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