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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Matthew 27:33-49

We have here the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus. I. The place where our Lord Jesus was put to death. 1. They came to a place called Golgotha, near adjoining to Jerusalem, probably the common place of execution. If he had had a house of his own in Jerusalem, probably, for his greater disgrace, they would have crucified him before his own door. But now in the same place where criminals were sacrificed to the justice of the government, was our Lord Jesus sacrificed to the justice of God. Some... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Matthew 27:50-56

We have here, at length, an account of the death of Christ, and several remarkable passages that attended it. I. The manner how he breathed his last (Matt. 27:50); between the third and the sixth hour, that is, between nine and twelve o?clock, as we reckon, he was nailed to the cross, and soon after the ninth hour, that is, between three and four o?clock in the afternoon, he died. That was the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, and the time when the paschal lamb was killed; and... read more

Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Matthew 27:57-66

We have here an account of Christ's burial, and the manner and circumstances of it, concerning which observe, 1. The kindness and good will of his friends that laid him in the grave. 2. The malice and ill will of his enemies that were very solicitous to keep him there. I. His friends gave him a decent burial. Observe, 1. In general, that Jesus Christ was buried; when his precious soul was gone to paradise, his blessed body was deposited in the chambers of the grave, that he might answer the... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Matthew 27:45-50

27:45-50 From twelve o'clock midday darkness came over the earth until three o'clock in the afternoon. About three o'clock in the afternoon Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" (that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?") Some of those who were standing there heard this, and said, "This man is calling for Elias." And immediately one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with vinegar and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. The rest said, "Let be!... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Matthew 27:51-56

27:51-56 And, look you, the veil of the Temple was rent in two from top to bottom, and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were split, and the tombs were opened, and the bodies of many of God's dedicated ones were raised, and they came out of the tombs after his resurrection and came into the holy city and appeared to many. The centurion and those who were watching Jesus with him saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, and they were exceedingly afraid. "Truly," they said, "this... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Matthew 27:57-61

27:57-61 Late in the day there came a rich man from Arimathaea, Joseph by name, who was himself a disciple of Jesus. He went to Pilate and requested the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered it to be given to him. So Joseph took the body and wrapped it in clean linen, and laid it in a new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock. And he rolled a great stone across the door of the tomb and went away. And Mary from Magdala was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb. According to... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Matthew 27:62-66

27:62-66 On the next day, which is the day after the Preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came to Pilate in a body. "Sir," they said, "we remember that, while he was still alive, that deceiver said, 'After three days I will rise again.' Give orders therefore that the tomb should be kept secure until the three days are ended, in case his disciples come and steal him, and say to the people, 'He has been raised from among the dead.' If that happens, the final deception will be worse than... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:45

Now from the sixth hour ,.... Which was twelve o'clock at noon, there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour ; till three o'clock in the afternoon, the time the Jews call "between the two evenings"; and which they say F3 T. Hieros Pesachim, fol. 31. 3. is "from the sixth hour, and onwards". Luke says, the sun was darkened, Luke 23:45 . This darkness was a preternatural eclipse of the sun; for it was at the time when the moon was in the full, as appears from its being... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:46

And about the ninth hour ,.... Or three o'clock in the afternoon, which was about the time of the slaying and offering of the daily sacrifice, which was an eminent type of Christ. The Jews say F9 T. Hieros. Pesachim, fol. 31. 3, 4. , that "every day the daily sacrifice was slain at eight and a half, and was offered up at nine and a half: about which time also the passover was killed, which was another type of Christ; and as they say F11 lb. , "was offered first, and then the... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:47

Some of them that stood there ,.... Near the cross, looking on, and mocking at him, when they heard that ; the words, "Eli, Eli", spoken by Christ, said, this man calleth for Elias . These could not be the Roman soldiers that said so, who had no notion of Elias; rather the Hellenistic Jews, who not so well understanding the Hebrew language, hearing the above words, and having some notion of the prophet Elias, fancied he was calling for him; though it seems most likely to be the Jews,... read more

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