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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Matthew 27:1-10

We left Christ in the hands of the chief priests and elders, condemned to die, but they could only show their teeth; about two years before this the Romans had taken from the Jews the power of capital punishment; they could put no man to death, and therefore early in the morning another council is held, to consider what is to be done. And here we are told what was done in that morning?council, after they had been for two or three hours consulting with their pillows. I. Christ is delivered up... read more

William Barclay

William Barclay's Daily Study Bible - Matthew 27:3-10

27:3-10 When Judas the traitor saw that Jesus had been condemned, he repented, and he brought the thirty shekels back to the chief priests and the elders. "I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed an innocent man." "What has that got to do with us?" they said. "It is you who must see to that." He threw the money into the Temple and went away. And when he had gone away, he hanged himself. The chief priests took the money. "We cannot," they said, "put these into the treasury, for they are... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Matthew 27:8

Wherefore that field was called ,.... Not by the priests and elders, but by the common people, who knew by what money it was purchased, the field of blood ; or "Aceldama", which so signifies, as in Acts 1:19 , not called the field of the priests, the purchasers; nor the field of the strangers, for whom it was bought; but the field of blood, being purchased with that money, for which innocent blood was betrayed; and this name it bore unto this day ; in which Matthew wrote his... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 27:8

The field of blood - In vain do the wicked attempt to conceal themselves; God makes them instrumental in discovering their own wickedness. Judas, by returning the money, and the priests, by laying it out, raise to themselves an eternal monument - the one of his treachery, the others of their perfidiousness, and both of the innocence of Jesus Christ. As, long as the Jewish polity continued, it might be said, "This is the field that was bought from the potter with the money which Judas got... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Matthew 27:8

Verse 8 8.For a burying-place to strangers. The more that wicked men endeavor to conceal their enormities, the more does the Lord watch over them to bring those enormities to light. They hoped that, by an honorable disguise, they would bury their crime, were they to purchase a barren field for burying strangers. But the wonderful providence of God turns this arrangement to an opposite result, so that this field became a perpetual memorial of that treason, which had formerly been little known.... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:1-10

The end of Judas. I. THE FORMAL CONDEMNATION OF OUR LORD . 1 . The Sanhedrin. "When the morning was come," St. Matthew says—the morning which followed the long sad hours of that night of mockery and shame; the morning which ushered in the greatest day in the world's history, the day signalized by the darkest crime ever wrought upon this sinful earth, illustrated by the one all-sufficient Sacrifice for sin, by the noblest deed of holiest self-devotion which has brightened... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:1-10

The price of blood. The day, whose dawn brought repentance to Peter, found the Jewish rulers still plotting how they might effect the murder of Jesus. They had in the night infamously condemned him as a blasphemer, thereby exposing him to the penalty of death by stoning. Almost a hundred years before this Judaea was conquered by Pompey, and made tributary to the Romans, yet it was not until about two years before this that it was made part of the province of Syria. Then the power of capital... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:1-14

Christ before Pilate. No. 1. Caiaphas had a purpose to serve by giving Jesus up to the Romans. Little did he know that while he thought he was making a tool of every one, he was merely God's tool for accomplishing his purposes. The harmony of the purpose of God, the scheme of Caiaphas, the law of Rome, and the relation of the Jewish court to the Roman procurator, explains fully how, when the Sanhedrin took counsel against Jesus to put him to death, the result was that they resolved to... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:3-10

Remorse and suicide of Judas, and the use made of the blood money. (Peculiar to St. Matthew; cf. Acts 1:18 , Acts 1:19 .) read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Matthew 27:8

The field of blood. Aceldama ( Acts 1:19 ), the Syriac name. It was so called ( διο Ì ) from the circumstances attending its purchase, which gave it an evil notoriety, and which the priests must have divulged. "This also," says Chrysostom, taking the blood to be that of Jesus, "became a witness against them, and a proof of their treason. For the name of the place more clearly than a trumpet proclaimed their blood guiltiness." Unto this day. Until the time when this Gospel was... read more

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