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Matthew Henry

Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Psalms 35:1-10

In these verses we have, I. David's representation of his case to God, setting forth the restless rage and malice of his persecutors. He was God's servant, expressly appointed by him to be what he was, followed his guidance, and aimed at his glory in the way of duty, had lived (as St. Paul speaks) in all good conscience before God unto this day; and yet there were those that strove with him, that did their utmost to oppose his advancement, and made all the interest they could against him; they... read more

John Gill

John Gills Exposition of the Bible Commentary - Psalms 35:4

Let them be confounded, and put to shame, that seek after my soul ,.... This petition, and what follows, which seem to be by way of imprecation, are to be considered as prophecies of what would be, and as expressions of faith that so it should be; and are not to be drawn into examples, and to be imitated by private persons; nor are they contrary to those evangelical rules, which require men to love their enemies, and pray for them; to give place to wrath, and not meditate vengeance, nor take... read more

Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Psalms 35:4

Let then be confounded - Let none of their projects or devices against me succeed. Blast all their designs. The imprecations in these verses against enemies are all legitimate. They are not against the souls or eternal welfare of those sinners, but against their schemes and plans for destroying the life of an innocent man; and the holiest Christian may offer up such prayers against his adversaries. If a man aim a blow at another with a design to take away his life, and the blow would... read more

John Calvin

John Calvin's Commentary on the Bible - Psalms 35:4

Verse 4 4.Let those who seek my soul be confounded. David now calls upon God to take vengeance upon his enemies; and he asks not only that he would disappoint and destroy their designs, but also that he would recompense them according to their deserts. In the first place, he desires that they may be confounded and put to shame in seeing their expectation and desire fail; and then he proceeds farther, desiring that while they imagine themselves to be firmly established, and deeply rooted, they... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Psalms 35:1-10

Battle and victory. The psalmist complains of unbelievers, ungodly enemies, prays for deliverance, giving promise of thanksgiving if his prayer is granted. The psalm falls into three divisions, in each of which the three elements of complaint, prayer, and thanksgiving are contained. The divisions are Psalms 35:1-10 ; Psalms 35:11-18 ; Psalms 35:19-28 . Take first division and its suggestions ( Psalms 35:1-10 ). I. EVERY MAN HAS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE TO FIGHT , We... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Psalms 35:1-28

A hard case-a very hard one-laid before God. This is one of those psalms in which the writers often meet with much scolding and with scant sympathy. It has been said that this psalm is not worthy of David. We are not prepared to say so: but we are prepared to contend that many of the criticisms passed on it are utterly unworthy of those who thus criticize. £ If we will but study the whole psalm in all its bearings while we may not feel called on to justify every expression therein, we... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Psalms 35:1-28

The flesh and the Spirit. This psalm has been variously interpreted. Some say David speaks here representatively, not for himself, but for the community of Israel Others say that he speaks prophetically, and with special reference to the days of Messiah. Others again hold that he speaks as a holy man, moved by the Holy Spirit to record the feelings that had passed through his own heart in time of trial. This last seems the more reasonable interpretation. I. First it agrees best with ... read more

Spence, H. D. M., etc.

The Pulpit Commentary - Psalms 35:4

Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul. It appears from this that David's life is being sought, which only happened at two periods in his career: The psalm therefore belongs to one or other of those periods, most probably to the former (see the introductory paragraph, and note the resemblance between this passage and 1 Samuel 20:1 ; 1 Samuel 22:23 ). Let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt. Imprecations closely resembling these... read more

Albert Barnes

Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible - Psalms 35:4

Let them be confounded - That is, Let them, through Thy gracious interposition in my behalf, be so entirely overcome and subdued that they shall be “ashamed” that they ever made the effort to destroy me; let them see so manifestly that God is on my side that they will be covered with confusion for having opposed one who was so entirely the object of the divine protection and care. See Psalms 6:10, note; Psalms 25:2-3, notes. Compare the notes at Job 6:20.That seek after my soul - My life. That... read more

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