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Verse 9

Due to the nature of the remaining material in this chapter, we shall rely upon a different method of presenting it. Woudstra, and others, have also utilized this manner of reporting it:[14]

the king of

the king of Ai, beside

the king

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the king of Jokneam in

the king of Dor in

the king of Goiim in

the king of

Together - thirty-one kings

A number of scholars refer to the Septuagint (LXX) in connection with this list, but we can see no reason for this. "The Septuagint says, `twenty-nine kings,' and then sets down only twenty-eight, omitting the kings of Bethel, Lasharon, and Madon."[15] It would be impossible to find a more interesting list of names in ancient Palestine than the one here.

"Jericho ..." This was the place of Israel's entry into Canaan. The name of the place probably signifies some ancient moon god, and its history reaches back some 5,000 years![16] It owes its existence to a marvelous spring that supplies an abundance of fresh water. Here Jesus Christ himself healed the blind beggar Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46ff). Here Jesus ate with the chief tax-collector Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10). And the memory of a palace in Jericho was still in Jesus' mind when he spoke the parable of the pounds (Luke 19:11-27). (See my comment under these references in the N.T. series of commentaries.)

"Ai ..." In Hebrew, the name is always written with the definite article, "The Heap, or the Ruin. It is identified with the modern `Et Tell' (Arabic: tall heap), two miles east of Bethel (Tell Beitin)."[17] Here the events regarding Achan occurred.

"Jerusalem ..." Called by Jesus himself, "The City of the Great King," from the days of the Monarchy, Jerusalem and its history are indeed the history of Israel. Here the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ occurred.

"Hebron ..." (See my notes on this under Joshua 10:1.)

"Jarmuth ..." (See my notes on this place under Joshua 10:3.)

"Lachish ..." (See my notes on Lachish under Joshua 10:3.)

"Eglon ..." (See my notes regarding Eglon under Joshua 10:3.) It is of interest that a king of Moab by the name Eglon was assassinated by Ehud (Judges 3:12ff).

"Gezer ..." From the earliest times Gezer was an important city on the road between Joppa and Jerusalem. The Egyptians recaptured Gezer following the Conquest (about 1224 B.C.); and the place did not again become a possession of Israel until the times of Solomon, when Pharaoh gave it to his daughter, one of the wives of Solomon. Solomon fortified the place and rebuilt it; and it figured extensively in the Maccabean wars.[18]

"Debir ..." Kiriath-sepher was an ancient name of this place which was a stronghold of the Anakim, located possibly a few miles from Hebron (Noth). It is unmentioned in later history.[19]

"Geder ..." This is a southern town of Canaan, the location of which is unknown.

"Hormah ..." This place was the farthest south to which the victorious Israelites chased the defeated Canaanites following the battle of Beth-horon. The ancient name of it was Zephath. Judges 1:17 mentions it in the episode of its defeat by Judah and Simeon.[20]

"Arad ..." The battle that destroyed this place and its king took place in Hormah (the ancient Zephath, as described in Judges 1:17). Way identified the place as the modern Tell es Seriah, 15 miles southeast of Gaza.[21]

"Libnah ..." This was a fortified city on the Shephelah (the plateau-like area between the high mountains of central Palestine and the seacoast). Joshua assigned it to the priests. It withstood a siege by Sennacherib; and it was here that Sennacherib's army was destroyed on a single night by an angel of the Lord (2 Kings 19:8).[22]

"Adullam ..." "We first hear of this place in Genesis 38, where Hiram the Adullamite is the friend of Judah. David hid there from king Saul (1 Samuel 22:1ff). Psalms 52 and Psalms 142 were written here, and it was one of the places occupied by the returnees from Babylon (Nehemiah 11:30)."[23]

"Makkedah ..." Makkedah means "the cave," and was the place chosen by the five kings of Hazor's confederacy for a hiding place from Joshua. They were executed and buried in that same cave. The location of the place is not certainly known, but it is supposed to be some seven or more miles from the Mediterranean coast in the vicinity of Aijalon.[24]

"Bethel ..." Bethel is located at the modern Tell Beitin 12 miles north of Jerusalem on the high ridge road. Abraham built an altar here; Jacob had his vision of the ladder here, and set up a pillar. He returned to Bethel after the disaster at Shechem; Jeroboam set up pagan worship at Bethel; and the place figured prominently in the writing of the Minor Prophets.[25]

"Tappuah ..." This means "Apple-city." It was apparently near Lasharon and seems to have been an important city.[26]

"Hepher ..." This appears from 1 Kings 4:10 to have been near to Socoh, but nothing more is known of it."[27]

"Aphek ..." There were several towns of this name ... There is no certainty about which is meant."[28]

"Lasharon ..." "Sarona, between Mount Tabor and the Sea of Tiberias 6.5 miles southwest of Tiberias may be the Biblical La-Sharon."[29]

"Madon ..." (See my notes under Joshua 11:5.)

"Hazor ..." (See my notes above, under Joshua 11:5.)

"Shimron-meron ..." This is probably identical with the Shimron in the territory assigned to Bethlehem (Joshua 19:15), about 3 miles south-southeast of Bethlehem, but this is disputed."[30]

"Achshaph ..." (See my notes under Joshua 11:5.)

"Taanach ..." The Israelites defeated this city and executed its king; the place was assigned to Manasseh, but they were unable to take possession of it and keep it (Joshua 12:21; 17:11; and Judges 1:27)."[31] It was located on the southern edge of the valley of Jezreel and guarded a pass over Mount Carmel. It is right here that we begin to see the need of Israel for those troops that were in Trans-Jordania eastward. Half of Manasseh was there, instead of here; and so the choice of those two and one half tribes was indeed a terrible hindrance to Israel in the subjugation of Canaan.

"Megiddo ..." This city was associated with Taanach; the name means "Stronghold." Together these two places, assigned to Manasseh, controlled the southern flank of the valley of Esdraelon and the most heavily traveled route through the Carmel range to the plain of Sharon. Manasseh was also unable to hold on to this.[32]

"Kedesh ..." This place must not be confused with a Kedesh in the north. This one was located between Taanach and Megiddo, in the neighborhood of Tell Abu Qudeis.[33]

"Jokneam ..." This place was assigned to Zebulun near the border with Manasseh.[34]

"Dor in Naphath-dor ..." This name has the meaning of "The Dune of Dor," and is a reference to the famous sea coast town south of Carmel. "It was the capital of Solomon's fourth administrative district (1 Kings 4:11), and was important enough to be governed by one of Solomon's sons-in-law."[35]

"Goiim in Gilgal ..." The meaning of these words is "nations in Gilgal," and most of the commentators cannot understand any meaning at all in the expression. Blair said, "The expression is unintelligible."[36] There is probably a textual problem here. The LXX has, "king of Goiim of Galilee," and later translations prefer this. Woudstra probably has the best solution, proposing that, "This may be the same as Galilee of the Gentiles (Gentiles and nations have the same meaning)."[37]; Matthew 4:15 has this very expression, "Galilee of the Gentiles." This indeed may refer to a place which had a king and which is mentioned here. Besides that, the use of "nations" in the titles of some of those ancient kings was nothing unusual, for example, "Tidal, king of nations" (Genesis 14:1).

"Tirzah ..." This place was the capital of the kings of Israel for a time during the events related in 1Kings. Jeroboam's wife went there after her interview with Ahijah (1 Kings 14:17); Baasha dwelt there (1 Kings 15:21); Elah was slain there by Zimri (1 Kings 16:9,10); and it remained the capital until Omri built Samaria.[38]

Here concludes the summary of the mighty victories of Joshua. "This list is a song of praise to the Lord's honor."[39] If Israel was to be protected against the seduction to the sensuous debaucheries of paganism, it was absolutely necessary that the inhabitants of Canaan be destroyed.

"Joshua was the man destined by God to carry out his program. He is not to be blamed for the severity with which he acted. Not only did he show exemplary faithfulness to the Divine command, but he also remained true to his given word in the case of Rahab and the Gibeonites, and without partiality applied the curse to Achan, one of Israel's own."[40]

These great victories under Joshua are a pledge that God will always fight upon the side of, and in the interests of those who truly love him. "And we know that to them that love God, all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

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