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Verses 4-5

Paul proceeded to describe positively how he had conducted himself to prove that his own reception of God’s grace had not been in vain. He commended and defended his ministry to provide the faithful Corinthians with more ammunition to rebut his critics. Note that he referred to his actions rather than his words. He cited three groups of trials, and there are three kinds of trials in each group. These he prefaced with a claim to patience (steadfast endurance), an extremely important quality in an ambassador of Christ.

"Writers often used affliction lists to emphasize their integrity (although, unlike Paul, Stoics also used them to underline their impassivity); sufferings were tests of character (Seneca Dial. 1.4.5). The rhetorical emphasis in such lists is not so much on the individual components (inviting a modern lexical focus) but the total effect." [Note: Keener, p. 188.]

Trials of a general nature

"Afflictions" or "troubles" are oppressive experiences that put various kinds of pressure on one.

"Hardships" are difficulties that one cannot diminish.

"Distresses" are calamitous situations from which one cannot escape. The Greek word pictures a person trapped in a confining place.

Sufferings inflicted by other people

"Stripes" or "beatings" are punishments delivered with a whip or lash (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:24-25).

"Imprisonments" in Paul’s day involved confinement and discomfort (cf. 2 Corinthians 11:23).

"Tumults" are "riots" (cf. Acts 13:50; Acts 14:15; Acts 16:19; Acts 19:29; Acts 21:30).

Hardships inflicted on self for the furtherance of the gospel

"Labors" or "hard work" encompasses all the strenuous activities of life including manual labor.

"Watchings" are "sleepless nights."

"Fastings" or "hunger" refers to missed meals.

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