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Exodus 3:7-11 - Homilies By J. Orr

God's sympathy with the oppressed.

I. GOD IS EVER IN SYMPATHY WITH THE OPPRESSED , AND AGAINST THEIR OPPRESSORS ( Exodus 3:7 , Exodus 3:9 ). This is now, thanks to the Bible, made as certain to us as any truth can be. God's sympathy may be viewed—

1 . As implied in his moral perfection.

2 . As certified to us by the pity of our own hearts. He who put pity in these hearts must surely himself be pitiful. Yet, so much is there in the world which bears a different aspect, that—

3 . It needs revelation to assure us of it—to put the fact beyond all doubt. And the revelation has been given. No student of God's character in the Bible can doubt that he compassionates.

And, whatever mystery surrounds God's ways at present, he will one day make it plain by exacting a terrible retribution for all wrongs done to the defence-less ( Psalms 12:5 ; James 5:4 ).

1 . Comfort for the oppressed. Not one of their sighs escapes the ear of God.

2 . Warning to the oppressor.


1 . As Abraham ' s seed— children of the covenant—far gone indeed from righteousness, yet beloved for the fathers' sake ( Romans 11:28 ).

2 . As retaining , in however corrupt a form , the worship of the true God. They were his people, in a sense in which the worshippers of Osiris, and Thoth, and the other gods of Egypt, were not.

3 . As containing many true believers. There was a spiritual Israel within the natural—an "holy seed" ( Isaiah 6:13 )—"a remnant, according to the election of grace" ( Romans 11:5 ). Therefore, because Israel was God's people, God was deeply interested in them. He knew their sorrows. He was zealous on their behalf, as One whose own honour was concerned in what they suffered. And as in all their affliction he was afflicted ( Isaiah 63:9 ), so when the time came, he would avenge them of their adversaries. Believers have the same consolation in enduring trial ( 2 Thessalonians 1:4-10 ).

III. GOD 'S SYMPATHY WITH THE OPPRESSED IS SHOWN BY HIS MERCIFULLY INTERPOSING ON THEIR BEHALF . As he interposed for Israel—as he has often interposed for his Church since—as he interposed for the salvation of the world, when, moved by our pitiable state under sin—afflicted and "oppressed of the devil" ( Acts 10:38 ; Acts 26:18 ; Ephesians 2:2 ; Colossians 1:13 )—he sent his Son that "we should not perish, but have everlasting life' ( John 3:16 ). His sympathy with his Church is shown, not only in the comforts he imparts, and the grace by which he upholds, but in the deliverances he sends; on which remark—

1 . God has his own times for them.

2 . Till the time comes, his people must be content to wait.

3 . When it comes, no power can hinder the execution of his purpose.

4 . The deliverance will bring with it compensation for all that has been endured—"a good land," etc. The ultimate compensation, when God has brought his people up out of the Egypt of all their afflictions, and planted them in the land of perfected bliss, will be such as to clear his character from all imputations of injustice and unkindness.— J . O .

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