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Deuteronomy 33:7 - Moses' Blessing.

The royal house of Judah.

The name Judah signifies praise. Here Moses represents Judah as the praying tribe—in this respect inheriting the spirit of its great father, Jacob. Prayer and praise usually wed; they make a happy pair in the habitation of the heart, and the offspring is royal nobleness.

I. TRUE PRAYER PLEADS FOR AN APPOINTED DESTINY . What God has designed and destined for us— this is a proper object of prayer. For although God has designed some good for us, our prayer is the last link in the succession of causes which brings us into actual possession. "For all these things," saith God, "I will be inquired of … to do it for them." Prayer has respect to the will of God. The purpose and oath of God have prepared the blessing. The hand of faith is stretched forth to take it.

II. TRUE PRAYER IS SUPPORTED BY OTHERS ' INTERCESSIONS . The prayer of a good man on our behalf is an inestimable boon. Here Moses prayed that Judah's petition might be heard. Example is contagious. When good men see us praying, they will pray with us, and for us too. If only combustible material be at hand, the fiery flame will spread. It is always an inspiration to us, if we remember that while we pray, Christ our Elder Brother is praying for us above.

III. TRUE PRAYER IS ALWAYS SECONDED BY PERSONAL ENDEAVOR . "Let his hands be sufficient for him." What we can do to gain the blessing, God will not do for us. What we cannot do, God will, if we meekly ask him. Prayer without effort is hypocrisy. We are not sincere in our request. Labor without prayer is stark atheism. The boat of human progress must be rowed with two oars—prayer and effort. Unless both wings are in motion, the eagle cannot rise.

IV. TRUE PRAYER OBTAINS THE HELP OF GOD , It obtains help for every undertaking—husbandry, commerce, art, and war. Prayer always has prevailed—it always will. Prayer and painstaking can accomplish anything. Prayer secures for us the best help, the presence of God himself. "Be thou a Help to him." This is an Ally worth having—an Ally who, by a breath, secures success. If the Lord be our Helper, we can wisely speak the challenge," What can man do unto me?" God with me, God in me, inspiring every thought, and purpose, and desire and deed , —this makes a mean man royal indeed. Thus we may all obtain a place in the honored tribe of Judah, and be "kings unto God."—D.

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