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1 Kings 2:19 -

Bathsheba therefore [lit; And Bathsheba ] went unto king [Heb. the king ] Solomon, to speak unto him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her, and bowed himself unto her, [the LXX . reads, "and kissed" her ( καὶ κατεφίλησεν αὐτὴν ). There is not necessarily a pregnant construction, as Keil insists: "rose up and went down to meet her." We get here a glimpse of the stateliness of Solomon's court] and sat down on his throne, and caused a seat [lit; throne, same word] to be set [most probably the servants of Solomon placed the seat for the queen mother, as the LXX . ( ἐτέθη θρόνος ) and most translators. The reception was clearly a public one, if the interview was private. But the original is simply, "and he set," etc; suggesting that Solomon may have done it, as a mark of respect, with his own hands. He "received his mother as גְּבִירָה " ( 1 Kings 15:13 ). Bähr] for the mother of the king, and she sat on his right hand. [The place of honour. Cf. Psalms 110:1 ; Matthew 20:21 ; Matthew 25:33 ; Acts 7:56 ; Romans 8:34 ; Hebrews 1:3 ; Hebrews 8:1 , etc. It was also the place of honour amongst Arabians (Keil), Greeks, and Romans, as the very names εὐώνυμος an euphemism for ἀριστερός —and sinistra, show.

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