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2 Chronicles 12:1-2 - Homilies By T. Whitelaw

The apostasy of Rehoboam.

I. EARLY IN ITS COMMENCEMENT . After the three years already mentioned ( 2 Chronicles 11:17 ). Rehoboam's piety was short-lived, like the morning cloud and early dew ( Hosea 6:4 ), and like the seed upon stony ground ( Matthew 13:5 ). Want of stability and permanence is a chief defect in man's goodness. Many begin well who neither continue long nor end aright.

II. PRESUMPTUOUS IN ITS SPIRIT . Rehoboam's declension began after he had established the kingdom and strengthened himself. His fit of reforming zeal continued no longer than the fear which caused it. When this expired that vanished. So long as the country was defenceless, Rehoboam deemed it prudent to have Jehovah on his side, and with that end in view he patronized Jehovah's altars. The moment his garrisons were erected, manned, and stored, he began to reckon that Jehovah's aid was not so indispensable, and that his reforming zeal need not be so extremely hot. So men still think of God, and assume a semblance of religion when they feel themselves in peril, but the instant peril passes they doff the cloak of piety they have erstwhile worn—like Pharaoh ( Exodus 8:8 , Exodus 8:15 ; Exodus 9:27 , Exodus 9:34 ), like the Israelites ( Numbers 21:7 ; Numbers 25:1 ; Psalms 78:31 ; Psalms 106:6 ), like Ahab ( 1 Kings 21:29 ), and others.


1 . Negative. He forsook the Law of the Lord, probably by violating its moral precepts and discontinuing its ceremonial rites, by abandoning the worship and deserting the altars of Jehovah.

2 . Positive. He returned to the heathen idolatries which for three years he had neglected ( 1 Kings 11:7 , 1 Kings 11:8 ), like a dog to his vomit, etc. ( 2 Peter 2:22 ). So a merely negative declension in religion is impossible. He who abandons the service of God cannot stop short of serving the devil. No man can serve two masters ( Matthew 6:24 ); but every man must serve one.

IV. CONTAGIOUS IN ITS INFLUENCE . As Achan perished not alone in his iniquity ( Joshua 22:20 ), so Rehoboam sinned not alone in his apostasy, but by means of his royal example or command drew all Israel after him. "One sinner destroyeth much good" ( Ecclesiastes 9:18 ); "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump" ( 1 Corinthians 5:6 ). One asks, where were the priests and Levites who had so bravely, resisted the profanations of Jeroboam, and rather sacrificed their suburbs and possessions than defile their consciences ( 2 Chronicles 11:14 )? and where were the pious Israelites who had set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel ( 2 Chronicles 11:16 )? In one short year their fervour had been quenched, their fidelity shaken, their courage damped.

V. DISASTROUS IN ITS CONSEQUENCE . "Evil pursueth sinners" ( Proverbs 13:21 ), and in two years Nemesis overtook Rehoboam in the shape of an Egyptian invasion. Of all sinners it is true, "their feet shall slide in due time" ( Deuteronomy 32:35 ); of apostates it is written, "I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord" ( Ezekiel 11:21 ).


1 . The sin of apostasy.

2 . The danger of prosperity.

3 . The impossibility of neutrality.

4 . The fickleness of crowds in religion as in politics.

5 . The corrupting influence of evil example.

6 . The certainty of retribution.—W.

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