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2 Chronicles 14:3 - Exposition

The altars of the strange (gods); Hebrew, the altars of the stranger, meaning, of course, "the altars of the gods of the stranger." This expression, "strange gods," is found in the Authorized Version about thirteen times for the Hebrew גֵכָר , or הַגֵּכָר , and would be most correctly rendered, "The gods [or, 'god'] of the stranger," i.e. of the foreigner, as it is rendered in the solitary instance of Deuteronomy 31:16 . The high places. Comp. Deuteronomy 31:5 and 2 Chronicles 15:17 , which says, "But the high places were not taken away out of Israel;" and 1 Kings 15:14 , which says, "But the high places were not removed," without limiting this non-removal to "of Israel." On the question of this apparent inconsistency and surface-contradiction, see our Introduction, §7, pp. 16.1 and 17.2. Further, it may here be well distinctly to note how little is even the apparent discrepancy or contradiction alleged in this subject, throwing in the analogous passages in Jehoshaphat's history ( 2 Chronicles 17:6 ; 2 Chronicles 20:33 ), in case these may reflect any light on the question. Firstly, we will remove out of our way the parallel in 1 Kings 15:14 , with the observation that it is evident from its immediate context that it corresponds with the last statement of our Chronicles ( 2 Chronicles 15:17 ), savouring of a retrospective summarizing of the compiler, not with the first statements ( 2 Chronicles 14:3 , 2 Chronicles 14:5 ), which set forth Asa's prospective purpose of heart, his resolution, and, no doubt, his edicts. Secondly, we may notice that there is a plain-enough distinction made by the writer in 1 Kings 15:3 and 1 Kings 15:5 respectively—the one saying that Asa "took away the high places," without any further limitation; the other saying within two verses, "Also out of all the cities of Judah" (note by the way here the suggestive stress laid upon "the cities, " possibly as more easily coped with than country districts) "he took away the high places." The only legitimate inference (taking into account both the words used, and the fact that the last written are found close upon the former, with the significant conjunction "also") must be that some different information was intended in the two places. 1 Kings 15:3 finds Asa as much master of "Judah" as 1 Kings 15:5 . Therefore the natural interpretation of 1 Kings 15:3 must be that Asa at once abolished "the high places" nearest home, nearest Jerusalem, most within his own personal reach; then " also " that he did and ordered the same to be done in "all the cities of Judah," and it was done at the time, if only for the time. Thirdly, include the statement of 2 Chronicles 15:17 , if we do not insist (as we might insist very fairly when pressed on a point of alleged inconsistency or contradiction) on the fact that now the high places "of Israel" arc distinctly designated, and that therein those outlying parts of Asa's more or less acknowledged sway outside of Judah and his thoroughest control are designedly described, let us instead take the help of an exactly analogous (and analogously alleged) discrepancy ( 2 Chronicles 17:7 compared with 2 Chronicles 20:33 ), and we find there that the very key with which to unlock the difficulty is provided to our hand. Jehoshaphat ( 2 Chronicles 17:6 ) "took away the high places;" "the people" ( 2 Chronicles 20:33 ) did not faithfully and with a constant heart follow suit, but had failed to prepare, i.e. to turn "their hearts unto the God of their fathers." How well the juxtaposition of these very words would tell, nay, do tell, with the emphatic words of 1 Kings 15:14 ! "Nevertheless Asa ' s heart was perfect with the Lord all his days;" and with our 2 Chronicles 15:17 , "Nevertheless the heart of Asa was perfect all his days." In both these passages the antithesis is patent between Asa's heart and the people ' s hearts, between Asa's " all his days" and the people's uncertainty and apostasy. The fidelity of Bible history and its non-cunningly, non-fabulously devised tenor are gratefully corroborated by the inquisition made into such a supposed "discrepancy,"" inconsistency," "contradiction." Notice once more the confirming indication, so far as it goes, of the one verb that commands the next verse, as there noted upon. Brake down the images ; Hebrew, מַחֵּבוֹת . It occurs in the Authorized Version thirty-two times, and is rendered "pillar" or "pillars" twelve times; "image" or "images" nineteen times; and "garrisons" once. It appears simply to have slipped from the signification of pillar into the rendering of the word "image," by aid of the intermediate word "statue." It is used of the pillar or statue of Baal in 2 Kings 3:2 ; 2 Kings 10:26 , 2 Kings 10:27 , with his name expressed; and in 2 Chronicles 18:4 ; 2 Chronicles 23:14 , without that name expressed. Cut down the groves; Hebrew, וַיְגַדַּע אֶת־הָאֲשֵׁרִים . The verb here used implies the "cutting," "cutting down," "pruning" of trees. It is undoubtedly applied also to other cutting and cutting down, as of the "breaking" of a red ( Zechariah 11:10 ), of an arm ( 1 Samuel 2:31 ), of horns ( Jeremiah 48:25 ), of bars or bolts ( Isaiah 45:2 ). It occurs in all twenty-three times. It is here employed to describe the destroying of what according to the Authorized Version arc called "groves" —a word which with little doubt misleads for the rendering of our אֲשֵׁרִים . Before this same word we have also another Hebrew verb for "cutting," of very frequent occurrence in its simple and metaphorically derived uses included, viz. כָּרַת . The first uses of this verb with the above word are found in 6:25 , 6:26 , 6:30 . That word means literally "fortune," but in its ultimate derivation "straightness," and hence supposed to designate, in Phoenician and Aramaean idolatry, Astarte or the planet Venus, who is constantly associated in such idolatry with Baal ( 3:7 ). But see for the first occurrence of the word, Exodus 34:13 , where there is no express mention of Baal, but where the idolatries of the Amorite, Canaanite, Hittite, Hivite, Perizzite, and Jebusite are being spoken of. When we take into consideration the probable ultimate derivation of the word, the fact of the verbs that speak of "cutting" being uniformly applied to what it represents, the "burning" to which this was condemned ( 6:26 ) when cut down, and a series of statements that represent it as "set up under every green tree" ( 1 Kings 14:23 ; 2 Kings 17:10 ; see also 1 Kings 15:13 ; 2 Kings 21:7 ; 2 Kings 23:6 ; 2 Chronicles 15:16 ), it not only becomes perfectly certain that "grove" and "groves" cannot rightly render the word, but directs us with the light of those passages that speak of it coupled with Baal as an object of worship, and that speak of prophet and priest called by its name ( 3:7 (compared with 2:13 ; 10:6 ; 1 Samuel 7:4 ); 1 Kings 18:19 ; 2 Kings 21:3 ; 2 Kings 23:4 ), to the strong conviction that it should be at once written with a capital letter, and rendered as a proper name; that it may possibly be a synonym with Ashtoreth, 1. q. Astarte, or a representation in wooden pillar, stock or trunk fashion, of some supposed aspect of her passion or dominion, very likely in the voluptuous or sensual direction. Conder, in 'Handbook to the Bible,' p. 187, 2nd edit; speaks of "Baal-peor ( Numbers 25:3 ) as identified by St. Jerome with the classical Priapus;" and adds "the Asherah (rendered 'grove' in our version) was also apparently a similar emblem" ( 2 Kings 23:7 ). The analogy of the sacred tree of the Assyrians sculptured on the monuments of Nineveh, which was probably a straight trunk or stock garlanded at certain times with ribbons and flowers, has been opportunely pointed to.

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