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2 Chronicles 15:8-19 - Homilies By T. Whitelaw

Ancient covenanters.

I. SERIOUS PREPARATIONS . ( 2 Chronicles 15:8-11 .)

1 . The purgation of the land from idols. Encouraged by the words of the son of Oded—not Oded, as in the text—Asa, on reaching his capital, determined to convene a national assembly, and enter into a solemn league and covenant to carry out the work of reformation so auspiciously begun ( 2 Chronicles 14:2-5 ), and so manifestly owned of Jehovah in the splendid victory he had granted over the Cushite invader ( 2 Chronicles 14:12 ). As a preliminary, he "put away the abominations," i.e. the idols, "from the whole land of Judah and Benjamin, and out of the cities he had taken from the hill country of Ephraim." In the same spirit acted Jacob, before going up to meet with Jehovah at Bethel ( Genesis 35:2 ); and Moses, before the interview of Israel with Jehovah at Sinai ( Exodus 19:14 ); Hezekiah, before he celebrated the Passover ( 2 Chronicles 30:14 ); and Josiah, before he renewed the covenant ( 2 Chronicles 34:3-7 ). If such preparation on the part of Israel was needful to qualify her for an interview with Jehovah even in external celebrations ( Amos 4:12 ), much more is a similar preparation of the heart indispensable on the part of souls who come before God in any act of spiritual worship ( 2 Chronicles 19:3 ; 2 Chronicles 20:33 ; 1 Samuel 7:3 ; Psalms 57:7 ; Luke 1:17 ). In particular, all known sin must be abandoned ( Isaiah 1:16 , Isaiah 1:17 ).

2 . The renewal of the altar of the Lord. The great brazen altar of Solomon ( 2 Chronicles 4:1 ) had probably been defiled by idol-rites during preceding reigns, and required reconsecration (Bertheau); while, after sixty years of service, it almost certainly stood in need of repairs (Keil). Most likely Asa's renovation of the altar was of both kinds—an external reparation and a religious consecration. It is commonly a sign that a Church or nation is in earnest in entering upon religious reformation when it attends to the externals as well as to the internals of religion—when it corrects abuses, repairs defects, and adds improvements in the outward means of grace, as well as endeavours to impart to these fresh attractiveness and zeal Individuals begin not well who neglect to engage all their powers of body, mind, and heart in the work, or to seek for these a new and gracious baptism from above ( Romans 12:1 ).

3 . The invitation of the people to a national assembly. Without the hearty consent and cooperation of the people, reforms of no kind can be effected—as little religious as political or social, and just as little these as those. Accordingly, all Judah and Benjamin, with such Israelites as sympathized with the new movement, were summoned to Jerusalem on a certain day to covenant to seek Jehovah. As early as the days of Rehoboam, strangers from the northern kingdom had found their way into the southern ( 2 Chronicles 11:16 ); Asa's victory over Zerah having been accepted as a proof that Jehovah was on the side of Judah's king, the number of these immigrants largely increased ( 2 Chronicles 15:9 ). What was wanted then in Judah and Israel to rally the pious is demanded still—a leader, who has God upon his side, because he is on the side of God.

4 . The gathering of the pious in Jerusalem. It showed the spirit of the people that they responded at once to their monarch's call. Followers that will not follow are a hindrance to those who would lead in reformations in either Church or state, Union is strength, and generally victory; disunion weakness, and always defeat.

II. SOLEMN TRANSACTIONS . ( 2 Chronicles 15:12-14 .)

1 . The presentation of the spoils. These, seven hundred oxen and seven thousand sheep, formed part of the plunder taken from Zerah's army ( 2 Chronicles 14:14 , 2 Chronicles 14:15 ), and were now presented to Jehovah; as Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek on returning from the slaughter of the kings ( Genesis 14:20 ); as the Israelites in the wilderness after the slaughter of the Midianites levied a tribute unto the Lord ( Numbers 31:11-47 ); as Saul said he intended to sacrifice unto the Lord the sheep and oxen he had reserved from the spoil of the Amalekites ( 1 Samuel 15:21 ); and as victorious generals among the Romans were accustomed to dedicate to Jupiter part of the spoils taken from the enemy. As Asa's victory had been achieved solely through Divine help, this was becoming as well as right. Those whom God renders successful in their callings should honour him with the firstfruits of their increase ( Proverbs 3:9 ). Every man as God hath prospered him, a rule of Christian giving ( 1 Corinthians 16:2 ).

2 . The formation of a covenant.

(a) "To seek the Lord God of their fathers," etc. (verse 12)—a right thing for nations and individuals to do—yea, for all, whether they covenant with and swear to one another concerning it or not. To seek God, a nation's and individual's life ( Isaiah 55:3 , Isaiah 55:6 ; Psalms 69:32 ; Amos 5:4 ), and the only source of true prosperity for either ( Psalms 70:4 ; Psalms 119:2 ; Amos 8:14 ; Lamentations 3:25 ). That the god a nation or an individual seeks is the god of his or its fathers, is no proof that that god is the true God; but, being the true God, he possesses an additional claim on the worship and homage of both individual and nation, from the fact that he is and has been their fathers' God. If God is to be sought at all, it should be with the whole heart ( Jeremiah 29:13 ). Nothing short of this is religion.

(b) To "put to death," etc. (verse 13). Under the theocracy religious toleration was impossible, for the reason that idolatry was high treason. "A theocratic government is a government of constraint. Freedom of conscience would have been an unmeaning sound under the Jewish economy". Church and state in Judah were one. No such identification existed among heathen nations, though approximations towards it were often seen. Nor does such identification exist under the gospel. Hence neither Church nor state now has authority to put to death those who decline the religion prescribed by either. The reformed Churches of England and Scotland were slow in perceiving that the extermination of heretics by the sword of the civil magistrate, however legitimate under the Jewish theocracy, was not permissible in the Church of Jesus Christ. Under the gospel God alone is Lord of the conscience; and to each man pertains the right of choosing his own religion, his own creed, and his own worship, without dictation, not to say coercion, from either king or parliament—being answerable for the choice he makes in the first place to his own conscience, and in the last place to God, whose creature and subject he is. This is the doctrine of religious equality, which should be carefully distinguished from that of religious toleration, which proceeds upon the erroneous assumption that Church and state possess the right, but decline to exercise the power of coercion, and agree to allow, what they might justly put down, diversity of faith and practice in religion.


1 . The joy of the people. (Verse 15.) This proved they had been in earnest. They exulted in the unanimity and heartiness with which the covenant had been made, and in the prospect thus opened up for the attainment of its objects.

2 . The zeal of the king. (Verses 16-18.)

3 . The approbation of Jehovah. Intimated by the fact that for the next twenty years the land enjoyed rest (verse 19). "When a man's ways please God, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him" ( Proverbs 16:7 ). Were nations to please God by their ways, he would "make wars cease to the end of the earth" ( Psalms 46:9 ).


1 . The stimulus good men derive from God's Word, exemplified in the effect produced upon Asa by Oded's prophecy (verse 8).

2 . The purifying power of true religion on the soul—symbolized by Asa's purgation of the land (verse 8).

3 . The attractive influence upon others of those who have God with them—seen in the rallying of the pious round Asa (verse 9).

4 . The supreme duty of individuals and nations—to seek the Lord (verse 12).

5 . The lawfulness of men covenanting with each other for such a purpose, but not of compelling others (verse 13).

6 . The necessity in religion of proving the heart's sincerity by the hand's activity and liberality (verses 11, 18).

7 . The propriety of being thorough in all undertakings connected with religion—the want of this a defect in Asa (verse 17).—W

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